Chapter Fifteen

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"Aubrey!.... What... Will She... Alright?..." Voices were dim around me, but something about the one over me, seemed almost too familiar..

"Calm down, Zayden.. We only called you here to discuss important matters..."  It was Zander's voice this time, "Besides.. Harlene told us that Aubrey will be awaking soon, and we need her - as my Beta - to help vote on this situation."

I heard Zayden scoff loudly, "She's my Mate! She shouldn't be forced to be put through this!"

"Since when do you care!" Gale yelled, slamming his fist down or against something.... "All you did was reject her, abuse her and then throw her out of your pack for something she wasn't responsible for!"


"I know what I did wrong, got it!" Zayden cut off my Alpha, "It was stupid, reckless almost bu-"

I groaned, trying to get up and open my eyes. Above me, is Gale who is already pushing me back down to the bed, I can see Zayden, teeth bared at Gale for touching me and Zander casually leaning against the wall, next to my older brother Edwin, who's look down at me with wide eyes.

"Get your hands off my Mate!"

Edwin held onto one of Zayden's arms, while Zander had the other, preventing him from strangling Gale, who brushes back my hair from my sweat soaked face, "Sh.. It's too soon, your soul might still be bounded to Devina's..."

"B-Bound?" I croaked, "What do you mean.."

He looked back at Zander who nodded, and stepped forward,  "She was inside you... When Holly dragged us to find you, she came out of your body in this dark black mist... and Gale told us she bound a part of her soul to yours..."

"Well what does that mean for me?" I asked, looking around at all their faces, stopping at Gale's, who looked as if he had lost Elise again, and it was then I understood, Elise had faced this same thing... "No... No!"

"Shh... Aubrey.. You can fight this.. If you really are Adrina's daughter, you can do this and not get manipulated by it's effects.." Zander spoke softly.

Gale nodded, "Elise gave in.. she let the Soul bound take over her, which led her to.... die.. all you really have to do, is fight it"

Zayden and Edwin looked between each other for a moment, before looking back at the three of us, "Well, now that she's awake.. Shouldn't we go and figure out why you called us here? I mean, you said when she's wake.."

They looked down at me, "Do you want us to wait for you, or go along without you?"

I shook my head, I wanted to be apart of this, "Ten minutes, and I'll be in that meeting"

Gale pressed a kiss on my cheek, and already I could sense Zayden's rage, I smiled, that was a good thing, "See you in ten, Aubrey.."

I found them all in the Alpha house, in Zander's office. They lounge on the two leather couches that had been there forever. Zander and Gale sat across from Zayden and my brother, but they all watched me as I came in.

Zayden and Edwin gave me awkward glances, as if I was too good to be true from changing so much. Through our miniature bond, being so close in the room, I could feel Zayden's heart grow heavy, but turned to rage as I sat down next to Gale, his arm thrown over my shoulders.

Zander cleared his throat, "Okay, let's get down to business shall we?"

"Alright, so who's this Devina and what does she want with Aubrey?" Edwin asked, eyeing me, waiting for the answer.

I sighed, remembering all the recent events, "Well she claims that she is my aunt, and that I have to 'return home'.. To be used for some weapon..."

"What kind of Weapon?" It was Zayden this time, and how is she your aunt?"

"I'm not fully sure... She didn't say.." I shook my head, " And why she claims that she is my aunt, I have no idea either. I read Royal Moon book, and it didn't mention that Adrina ever had a sister.. or about her Mate."

"Okay, besides your whole family crysis here, how long do we have?"

"One month.." Gale muttered, sadness coating his voice, "That's how long it takes for the Soul bound to reach it's full effect.."

I stared down at my feet as the room fell silent, we all knew it now. Devina had this all planned out.. When I'd feel at my worse, she's kill us all, and take me ' home'....

"So what are we going to do," Zayden broke the silence, "To protect us... and Aubrey.."

I looked up at Zander who sighed, but looked down at me, "As much as I hate to suggest this, but... We should join the packs... We might need the bigger numbers, and whatever else we can come up with to ensure our survival.. We're the only two packs left in this country, but we might still have some sources. Maybe"

Zayden nodded, "Where do we go then?"

"I know a place" We looked back at the entrance, to find Carol in the doorway, "There's an ancient castle, North of here, it used to be used for show, but was closed down a long time ago. It has over one hundred rooms, it should be enough... Plus we can supply other things, food, anything we may need to survive until this month is over with. Oh and I'm sorry for intruding, but the door was open and I wanted to offer some food to our... guests.."

"Carol? Are you sure about this place?"

She nodded, "Positive"

Zander stood, clapping his hands together, "Then it's settled. We leave before this week ends and that gives us... two weeks or more to plan out the area, and strategies"

Okay! This might be considered a boring chapter, but I figured it was a good way to get back on track!

Also! I now know that there will be a sequel! :D

I have the ending all planned out, but first, I have to get there...



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