Chapter Seventeen

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I kept my head high, noticing Adrienne watching from the front of the crowd, eying Zayden until I walked in the room, instantly viewing my change. Beside her, was Darcie. Her big baby blues widened but she hid behind Adrienne and I winced, remembering the last time I had seen her.

Gale and I took our seats, Gale sat beside Zayden and I sat beside Edwin, who nudged my shoulder as Zander spoke tot eh pack, "You've... Grown"

I nodded, "I guess you can call it that.. and It's good to see you've taken your spot as Beta.. but what happend to Isaac?"

Isaac was Jason's Beta, his best friend and his brother, He was alive when I left, and I would've thought he'd be here but no sign of him that I could see across the room of many faces. Edwin shook his head, "A week after, Isaac just got up and left, he gave up on Zayden. Going on with  that Zayden shouldn't have done it"

"Done what?" I arched a brow at him.

He smiled crookedly, "Give up on you and given you the chance you deserved. Now, I see it and I'm sure Adrienne does too.... Zaydenw as a real mess feeling the seperation.."


He looked over at me, somewhat giving me a scolding look, "Aubrey... he's your-"

"No" I cut him off, "Don't scold me like I am your sister, Edwin. I already know the truth now.... so there's no need to treat me like family"

He placed his hand over mine, that gripped the arms of my seat tightly, "I never joined in on any of the things the pack did to you. Though it was wrong to lead you on with being a blood family with us, but still, I saw you as my sister, no matter what.. If you can find it in you to forgive me, I'll help you, weither the situation causes my death or not."

I stared at him, wide eyedly, but nodded, "I'll consider it

"Thank you.." He mumbled, sadness coating his throat.

The meeting ended with Zander and Zayden considering that both packs should socialize with the new Beta's and Alpha's, get use to the territory and pick up on tghings they lacked in a fight, being so close to war with three weeks to go. Me, on the otherhand, wanted to explore the place. I made my way searching thorugh many rooms, enevntually finding myself inside an old library that Carol had mentioned before, stating that it had old books that I've been told, had been left here for what maybe had been centuries.

The old wooden doors creaked loudly, and dust flew into my eyes, making me cough and rub my eyes to bloodshot. Inside, there were endless bookshelves, desks and torches hung on the walls. The walls were covered in moss lightly, giving the place a bit of warm characteristics. To a human, it'd be extremely unhealthy. To us? It was how we liked it.

I clicked on the flashlight that Gale had given to me, and jumped as bats flew down from the ceiling and past me, about twenty of them squeeked, making me drop the flashlight and place my hands over my ears.

"Damned enchanced hearing.. " I muttered, retreiving the flashlight, but my eyes caught a glimpse of something a few feet ahead. It shoned a bright, pinkish purple. I walked up to it, only finding out that it was a little stone necklace, but an odd color shined from it, even though it was simply a rock.. Figuring it'd be a nice gift to Holly, seeming her birthday was only days away, I placed it inside my little black pull over top pocket.

I browsed the books, most were on the old day's stereotypical myths of Witches, warlocks and so on, but neither seemed interesting. Giving up, I turned to meet a pair of red eyes, but not Devina's.

I blinked, rubbng my eyes, but as I opened them, he was gone. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose "You're really losing your mind today, Aubrey.."

"You're what?" A voice chuckled ebhind me, making me jump and let out a small scream, only to find Zayden, staring at me oddly and narrowed his eyes as I flashed the flashlight in his eyes.

I put my hand on my chest, trying to catch my breath, "What.. What the hell do you want"

"You.." He mumbled, taking a step towards me, but I pulled away. I heard him whimper but shook it off as I grolwed at him, "What's wrong, Aubrey?"

"I don't want you"

He's eyes showed his pain, making my heart go tight, but I managed to pull it together as he spoke; "Why? After all these years, I missed you.. and I'm willing to take you back.."

"Take me back?" I scoffed, "You've never even had me in the first place! I tried to show you, when I was around, but now? You don't even deserve to even look at me after all you did to me.."

He pinned me to the book case, "I know what i did, and I'm sorry, why don't you see that!?"

I pushed him away, hard. I felt my a wave of satisfaction as he smalled against the other book case and fell, "Zayden, get this straight. I am not the same girl from before. You only love me know because I'm not so weak!"

He got to his feet stiffly, not pushing me any farther, "I'll admit, you aren't so weak, or atleast not as much as you were before.... but without me, You are weak, you'll be in just as much as I ever was if I were gone"

I shook my head, "Without you, I'm stronger Zayden. Gale has proved that to me"

"But he can't give you what I can, a family. Not some fake blood one with that mut and that kid you helped through her problems. I can give you, what I know your wolf, and soul wants. "I've lost all mine, you? You have too, come back with me, Aubrey, and I'll give you what you want.."

My wolf, and my emotions, screamed at me to take him back, but I was in control, shaking my head, "Good bye Zayden"

I heard him mumble something under his breath, but I walked off to my bedroom, curling off into bed, with tears betraying me and rolling down my cheeks.

Damn my Mate. Damn my Heart, Damn those damned Spirits!



...Zayden's POV...


I watched her walk away. Each step, another toll it had on my heart.

Way to go dumbass... my wolf growled at me, like everyother day it had with her gone, You must have a thing for the bitch called Screwing up...

Shut up.. I grolwed back at it, and I'll get her back. Just you watch me.





Yes, i did put Zayden's POV, just because I felt the need to. (Do you guys hate it? or find it good to have?)

-Should Aubrey forgive Edwin?

-How do you think Adrienne is going to react? (Yes, Next chapter they will meet again, Along with Darcie)


Comment. vote. Fan♥

(P.S. I just want to say thank you guys to this point for supporting this story! You guys are amazing! ♥♥♥♥ It means so much to me!)

Also, what do you guys think of my new covers?


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