1945- April

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Dear Diary,

April 9, 1945- Ich vill never forgive Ivan.

I hate him.

And yet, ich must serve him.

Ich am stuck in his house, serving him und bending to his every need. I am too awesome for zhis! Und yet, ich have failed und lost zhe war. Ich have failed my bruder Ludwig und mein boss.

Ich have failed (y/n).

Even now, as I write in here after a long day's work as a slave, my blott still boils vhen I remember vhat happened earlier today. It seems like all zhe time in zhe world has past, yet it has only been a few days zince the attack happened. I'm sure zhe fires are still burning.

It had happened in zhe night. (Y/n) und ich vere still in bed, resting from a hard days vork trying to plan for zhe war.

Meine eyes only just opened to see   (y/n)'s peaceful face vhen an explosion shook zhe city. Ich bolted up, looking down at her. She screamed, sitting up and scrambling out of her bed, almost falling to zhe floor.

"Gil, I'm under attack!!" She ran out of the room, leaving me to rush after her.

I grabbed her sleeve, keeping her from valking outside.

Roaring through zhe skies vere planes, Red Army ones. Little small specks fell from the sky, more explosions shaking the city.

I gripped to her sleeve. Ve did not have enough airforce to counter zhis!

Ich pulled her inside, despite her protests und ran through zhe house until ich burst out into zhe backyard.

Realizing vhat ich vas doing, she halted to a stop.

"Gil, we have to fight! I can't let him do this!"

"(Y/n), you know you can't win against them! Against Ivan and zhe Allies! Ve have to get under cover! Now!!"


"Nein! Du müsst listen to mich! We are going in zhe bunker und zhat is final!"

Without hearing another vord from her, ich forced her into zhe bomb shelter in zhe backyard, closing zhe door behind mich.

Ich turned zhe lamp on, illuminating zhe small space we had taken refuge in.

Shelves of canned foods connected to zhe valls, und two cots vere set up in zhe back.

(Y/n) started coughing next to me und ich rubbed her back, feeling her rattled breaths in her unhealthy form due to lack of nourishment.

"Gil- *cough* *hack* I don't feel- *cough*-"

"Shh, (y/n), pull yourself together," I faced her, smiling, letting her know Ich vas zhere for her.

Dark circles were under her weary (e/c) eyes, looking down at zhe floor as she coughed. She tried smiling at me back, but vas riddled vith coughs again.

She started collapsing, causing me to hold her up in my arms.

"Let's lay you down," Ich escorted her to a cot, "Normally Ich vould like to say zhose vords, but-"

She managed a short laugh as ich helped her down, holding her hand in mein. Her breath shook, as zhough she vas having a difficult time breathing.

Explosions continued to shake zhe city, zhe valls of zhe bunker shuddering after each one, some stronger zhan others, vhile others farther away.

I prayed to Gott zhat we vould be safe. Ich didn't zhink (y/n) could be able to take a direct hit.

"Is this it, Gilbert?"

She whispered, gripping my hand harder and staring at me, her defeated gaze wrenching mein soul.

"Ve'll make it through zhis-"

"I don't think we will Gilbert-" her face contorted in pain, grimacing and shaking as more bombs fell from the sky far away. "-I d-don't think we will."

"D@&% it (y/n), stop saying zhat! Ich von't let you die! Ve'll make it through zhis, Ich promise!"

Her eyelids slowly closed, her breath still shaking, filling the bunker after mein outburst. Ich still held her hand in mine.

"I von't let you die (y/n)."

Ich let her go und pulled her covers closer to her. Ich softly kissed her heated forehead, standing und approaching zhe door. Ich couldn't look back at her, but ich pictured laying zhere in zhe cot, hurting from zhe bombing.

Ich quickly ran into zhe house und grabbed zhe telephone, dialing Ivan's number until ich realized zhe line vas down. Pounding mein fist on zhe table, ich bolted down into zhe closet, grabbed zhe Weiß paint, und rushed outside.

Ich jumped up into zhe roof, glancing momentarily at zhe chaos surrounding mich.

Dark grey smoke filled zhe air, the red light of fire illuminating zhe sky. Flocks of planes roared in zhe distance, gradually nearing closer.

Without another thought, ich started rolling zhe paint onto zhe roof, praying-hoping zhat Ivan vould see zhe message ich vas leaving.

After finishing vith zhe paint, ich cast zhe cans aside und rushed back into to zhe bunker, (y/n) still asleep und unaware of mein actions.

Her breathing vas shallow und her skin feverishly hot.

I sat at her side, placing cool rags onto her neck und wrists, all zhe vhile glancing towards zhe door, vaiting for zhe visitor who vould surely come.


Und he did. He had seen my message, und only after multiple more bombings had he stopped und arrived.

Zhe door burst open, waking me abruptly from where ich vas sleeping next her cot.

"Gilbert," his giant frame filled zhe doorway, "I see you have surrendered, da?"

I clenched mein teeth.

"You've von Ivan. Ich can't figh anymore und neither can (y/n)."

"Da, I see that. Now, come with me and I won't hurt you anymore."

"Vhat vill happen to (y/n)?" Ich stood in front of her sleeping form.

"Well, you both are mein now. You both will serve me," he approached mich und looked over her, his child-like smile still plastered on his face.

Vithou varning, Ivan picked her up in his arms and started walking out of zhe bunker vith her.

"Don't you touch her!-"

He swiftly turned around to face me, his violet eyes staring coldly into mein.

"Are you resisting me? Do you want bombing?"

"N-Nein, but she ist meine wife-"

"And you both are now slaves to me. She will recover someday, now follow me to serve now, da?"

Sweat dripped down mein forehead und ich nodded, not wishing for (y/n) or mich to get hurt anymore.

Vith zhat, he started valking away vith me following, zhe battle lost und zhe war nearing its end.

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