1947- The Conference

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Dear Diary,

February 25, 1947- The unimaginable has happened. I never thought I would describe something like that since I became Königsberg.

Prussia is dead.

I had known something horrible was going to happen, those two years ago in April. Laying next to Gilbert, my city momentarily protected, premonition had washed over me, causing my legs to stiffen and my hands to tremble. I had told him something was going to happen. He had tried to comfort me as I fell asleep, yet I knew something was inevitable.

That was before the last bombing on my city. After we had surrendered to work under Russia, or Ivan's, control, I had thought the unknown event I had feared was past.

The last two years have been hard. Gilbert and I constantly performed tasks and jobs for Ivan. Gilbert often works nonstop while I am confined in the mansion, as a housekeeper. While Gilbert continues to hate Ivan, I can only fear him. I am angry at the large country and the Allies for the war and all the deaths they had caused, but whenever Ivan is near me, I can only tremble. I don't want to be hurt again. Yet now they have hurt me and caused me so much pain almost more than I can bare.

It had started when Gilbert entered the front door, arms full of groceries, grumbling. I stopped dusting the bookshelves to help him.

He walked in, his breath little puffs in the air and a soft drizzle continued to fall outside.

I rushed to his side, grabbing some bags.

"Welcome back Gil, how was your trip to the market?" We both walked down the hallway.

"Kesese, I like seeing you in that outfit," he laughed as we entered the kitchen and I softly punched his arm.

Since I worked as a housekeeper, I wore a simple black and white maid dress.

"Well maybe you should wear one as well," I laughed at him flustered and he dropped the bags on the counter, "but really, how was it outside?"

"Unawesome, it is still hard to speak to zhe locals," he huffed and entered the living room, falling onto the couch.

"How vas your day?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the couch next to him, making me laugh at his sudden actions.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder, his damp hair brushing against my neck.

"It was fine. Ivan left earlier to go to an emergency conference with the Allies. The Baltic states and I have been finishing our chores," I stopped, waiting for a reply.

None came. He merely continued to hold me and my hands, his fingers fiddling with the ring he gave me.

"We should be living in our own home, where Ivan can't control us."

"That place was destroyed. Besides, we have each other. Gil-" I turned around to look at him, but he only looked down at our hands. He didn't let me finish.

"It's true. You shouldn't be a slave to him," his sentence ended, venom creeping into his voice.

"I'm fine Gilbert, we can get through this-"

"It's wrong (y/n)!" He stood up and stood in front of the fireplace I had lit earlier, "and it's all my fault." His voice fell to a whisper.

"What?! Gilbert, it's not!" I approached his side, holding onto his arm, but he only looked away.

"Gilbert, you're not acting awesome right now," I stated, hoping for a sharp reply, a retaliation- anything. He continued to look away, and let out a heavy sigh, worrying me.

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