1945- February

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Dear Diary,

Febuary 3, 1945- I have failed and my hope is nearly lost. I fear I will never see Gilbert again. Has Prussia perished?

I had tried to escape Ivan's hold. Staying in the tent, I knew I had to leave and join the haggard refugees from my city. However, how to perform the escape was the problem. After days of continuous torture from Ivan, I had a day of rest. My body ached from the continuous fighting of the war and death of Prussians, but I knew I had to escape.

A soldier entered my tent and sat in front of me, a plate of food in his lap. He was also young, most likely younger than Ludwig's human age. He mumbled something in Russian and scooped up some of the food in a spoon, nodding his head towards me. I opened my mouth and let him feed me. Ivan had to make someone feed me after I had killed the last soldier who had delivered me my breakfast and let me out of my chains. This was the soldier who was constantly guarding the tent, and luckily had his own pair of keys, in case the camp was ever under attack and he had to move me.

He scooped up more food, but stopped as I started to cough and look like I was struggling with swallowing my food. I stopped coughing and convulsed, making it seem like I could not breathe any air. The usual uptight soldier started to panic, and jumped up to go to my back to perform the Heimlich maneuver. He kneeled behind me since I was still chained closer to the ground and wrapped his arms around me. Before he could try and 'save me' I threw my head back, hitting his nose, a crunching sound splitting the air. He fell back, being knocked out and blood dripped out of his nostrils. I looked back and, after much straining, I managed to grab the keys out of the pocket near me.

Using one hand, I unlocked my shackles and grabbed the pistol from the unconscious soldier. I then quickly locked his wrist into a shackle and kept the key in my pocket. I peeked out the tent, no soldier in sight.

I quickly slipped out into the night, running to the edge of the camp, passing many unlit tents. Seemingly too easily, I escaped the perimeter of the camp without being seen by a nearby patrol and sped off down the street and out of the city.

My stomach burned in want of food, but I pushed myself forward, intent on finding refugees. I slowed down to a quick walk down the edge of the moonlit sandy spit which eventually led to the Baltic Sea.


After continuous walking I managed to walk the few kilometers of distance that separated my city and the Baltic Sea. I blame my immortality for giving me the strength to walk the distance. I encountered many refugees on my way, and it pains my heart. Women and children shuffled down the roads, with the occasional elderly person who survived. They had all been lucky to survive the horrors of the Red Army's arson, killing and disgraceful acts towards many. I shook my head, feeling defeated. So many effected by the war. So many lives taken and uprooted by the demands of the unrestful world. And where was I in all of this? An immortal doomed to suffer through it all? I didn't even have Gilbert with me to suffer through it with me.

Through better or for worse. I held in sobs as I continued to walk with them. Where was he now?

I finally reached the Port of Danzig, people frantically bustling about, trying to find a way to join the evacuation. Many soldiers stood guard in the streets, Nazi's who overlooked the evacuation. I hadn't learned about the naval evacuation until I arrived in the city where it was taking place. Apparently the bosses did not want us to know we had to evacuate.

I stood on the beach, watching ships pull in and out from the docks. One large one caught my in particular. It looked like a cruise ship, yet columns of refugees boarded it continually.

I wanted to join them. I wanted to escape on that giant ship and sail away to freedom from the war and suffering. Yet I couldn't. I was Prussia's capital. How could I leave him when Gilbert needed me? I clenched my fists, shaking with anger at my predicament.

I turned away and started walking down the beach, until I found myself back in the city. A pair of strong arms pulled my into an alley, gloved hands covering my mouth. I shook in fear, knowing who had found me, the hairs on the back of my neck raised.

"You are still under siege, da? You can't go around escaping you're own country. Besides, I have plans concerning big refugee boat. You wouldn't want to go on it anyways," His soft voice whispered in my ear.

I shook my head and tried to cry out, but his hold was too strong. He picked me up with ease and further immersed himself into the shadows, making his way back to the secret path his army trucks had taken to reclaim me. He did not knock me out, however, and tied me up into the back of the truck.

I cried, knowing my escape had failed and that my city was still taken by the Red Army. Gilbert must be dead.


Dear Diary,

February 21, 1945-  I have found her yesterday! My (y/n), my dear capital. The siege has broken und I have reunited vith meine awesome Frau! I had been captured by zat terrible Ivan und vas unable to escape him for some time. I finally escaped- zhey could not handle my awesomeness and I rushed to find her. I arrived and drove Ivan away. I nearly cried.

She looked so broken, meine Anger just rose up from my chest seeing her like zhat. She cried, as I held her in my arms after finally reaching her. The city had gone through so much. I blame myself for her suffering. If I had only been allowed to aid her, to save her from zis var.

"G-gilbert, is it r-really you?" She looked up at me with her tear-filled (e/c) eyes, shaking in my arms.

"Ja, mein Schatz. Ich bin hier. It's alvright now," I stroked her hair and she stayed there for a while, finally resting in meine arms.

I could only hold her and tell her it vould be ok; yet, I knew zhe war vas not over.

We stayed in a home zhat vas surprisingly still intact despite the bombing of zhe Soviets. Zhe first thing she did was eat sleep, finally able to rest after the terrible ordeal. Meanvhile, I sat at zhe table und thought of what had happened. Mein Land vas all in ruins. (Y/n) had barely survived. A deep welling of anger rose within me as I pictured Ivan and his troops, bombing und killing zhe mortals. How could mein boss let zhis happen? How had zhis var had broken out und vhat for? For me to see (y/n) hurt and nearly lose her? I only vish I hadn't been so eager to support my boss und fight.

"Gil, are you coming to bed?" Her voice broke zhe silence of die Nacht.

"Vhat? Oh, ja, Ich vill," I stood und led her back to our room and laid down with her, safe in my arms once again.

"G-gilbert, can I tell you a secret?" She turned to face me in zhe covers.

"Ja, du kannst tell me anything, Mein Leibling."

"I'm scared Gil. I feel like something is coming, something horrible," she looked down and shivered, making me hold her closer.

"I vill protect you, don't vorry."

"I'm scared for you though," she tightened her grip on me.

Silence filled the room und ich could feel her stomach rise under fall from her tired breathing. Ich looked down und she looked so exhausted. It vasnt healthy for us countries und immortals.

Though she fell asleep in meine Arme, ich stroked her hair and held her close.

"No need to worry mein Schatz. Ve vill live through zhis."

The silence of die Nacht swallowed up zhe room once more. Ich looked at her once more.

Maybe if ich could just hold her longer....

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