Chapter Seven - Out Of Sight, Never Out Of Mind

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"Paz! Are you up yet, lazy bones?!"

Pounding on my door, accompanied by noisy shouting awoke me.

I wake like I'm hooked up the mains. No sleepiness, no slow warming up. Within seconds of realizing I was unconscious I am on my feet, eyes wide, dreams not just forgotten but erased. I am drinking in the feedback of all my senses. Yawning, I stretched my arms wide, feeling my right shoulder pop a little.

"I'm up, Gid!" I called to my noisy cousin, as I skipped to my wardrobe, and picked out an outfit. It consisted of a bright pink, glittery sweater, a mini-skirt, a bow for my hair, and some pink pumps.

I smiled as I danced to the bathroom, and took a shower, filling the room with a hot steam, which settled on everything, making the bathroom an extreme slip hazard, with all the water going all over the place too, due to my dancing, which was accompanied by loud singing to Sia's Chandelier.

I dried myself off, sprayed some deodorant under my arms, got changed, sprayed some perfume, tied my hair up, cautiously wrapping a ribbon around the bun that sat on the top of my head.

Yes, I know. This is unlike me, but, there's this thing I got invited to.

So, I practically leap from the room, slide down the banister, run to the kitchen, and twizzle into my seat. Hungrily, I stared at the microwave Bud was standing next to, just waiting for that little clock to hit zero. I had the syrup at the ready, lid pointing downward so that there was no trouble getting the syrup from where it had sunk to the bottom of the bottle.

As bud passed me the plate of pancakes, it was like a sugar explosion all over the plate.

Because not only did i slather ridiculous amounts of sugar onto the plate, I also managed to add many other sugar-filled things to my breakfast too...

Adding to my syrup swamp, I plopped five big dollops of nutella, four peanut butter cups, three after eights, two chocolate-smothered strawberries, and one heaped cup of icing sugar.


My masterpiece.

I took one bite. My mouth was immediately transported to a sugary, delicious wonderland, where everything was amazing, scrumptious and simply delightful.

I ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and even licked the plate clean, leaving a clear plate for me to put in the sink. Not even a trace of sugar remained when I'd finished with it.

Because of my extremely high metabolism, and my tolerance of sugar, I had not a stomach ache, but the biggest sugar rush ever.

However, this was short-lived as I passed out almost immediately after.

I regained consciousness around 6 hours later, and woke up, the familiar, comforting feeling of my bed underneath me. I knew Gideon and Bud were going out today, so I was home alone. However, I could hear breathing, and a hand gently gliding across my smooth blonde hair.

Who the hell was in my room?!

[Sorry about the lack of updates guys! Blame the summer for that! So now that I'm back at school the book will be continued! Love yas
- Potato xoxo]

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