Chapter 17 - Missing

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Despite my smile, something felt wrong. And that something was big. It was the loss of a best friend, for a boyfriend in return. I miss Damien, you know. I miss his company... Gideon is always hanging with Grendon and Randy, and I just seem to be on my own, or with Dipper. It's hard not having Damien here, but I know that I have to make the most of my last week of summer. I have to return home, to leave all of this behind, for however long it will take to get to come back. Things can change and things move fast. Will Dipper wait for me? Or will he get bored and move on...? I'm so paranoid. I just got him back, and I never want to loose him again.

A pinging came from my pocket. I smiled gently to see that it was from the man himself.

PsychicDip: Hey, Sweetheart.

PazOfMystery05: Heya, what's up?

PsychicDip: A surprise. Meet me in the middle of the woods, at the metal tree. Come alone.

PazOfMystery05: How mysterious. Be there in 10.

I then proceeded to throw on some more suitable clothes: the beautiful red dress that was hanging in my wardrobe, a pair of pumps, complete with snowflake earrings, the first gift I ever got from Dipper.

Walking over to the mirror, I stopped in front of its reflective pane, and stared at myself. I came here the silly little girl who wanted to solve mysteries and loved everything, and just look at how far I've come. This summer has changed me into a beautiful young woman (if I do say so myself), and there's no going back.


I arrived at the metal tree, to only gasp as i stumbled upon a beautiful picnic, completely laid out, and a bunch of flowers, right by my feet, with a note attached, my name written in beautiful cursive handwriting. I bent down and picked it up, taking it carefully in my hands, and taking a deep breath, the amazing scent of roses and wildflowers filling my nostrils.

A familiar chuckle arose behind me, accompanied by the voice that had me since day one, since the box. "I see you've already found the surprise then, sweetheart."

Spinning on my heel, I found myself locked in his gaze. Those eyes I get lost in every time they meet my own.

As he walked towards me, I felt my cheeks heat up, a pink blush settling on them, all the while my heart was threatening to leap out of my chest. After all this time, he still had the power to make me feel like this, make me feel incredible, invincible, wanted.

He led me to a cushioned area he had laid out for the two of us, in front of all the food, strategically placed so that everything was within reach of us both, before laying out a napkin on my lap. "Dig in, Princess."


After a few hours, Dipper walked me back to the Shack. He stopped at the door, which was kind of dangerous since Bud still doesn't know about... us.

"Pacifica, I know you're going back at the end of the week but..." He trailed off, his usually confident voice failing slightly. "Would you stay?"

Without warning, my eyes filled with tears, which were verging on trailing down my cheeks. "You know I want to so badly but," I started, sighing. "I have to see my parents, go back to school..." My gaze was fixed on my feet by this point, when suddenly, a hand touched my chin and lifted my head, level with another.

"You could tell your parents you're going to school here... you could say you're making friends and having a good time an-"

"I love you, Dipper, but I can't leave all that behind to follow you. Your tourist attraction moves place all the time. Just, schedule to come back next summer, okay?"

"That's not the point. A year is far too long to wait. I can't loose you Paz. I almost died for you."

Suddenly, Bud's heavy voice echoed through the halls. "Pacifica! Is that you?"

"Yes Uncle Bud!" I yelled back, slight panic in my voice. "I'll be there in a second!"

Dipper grabbed my wrist, looking into my eyes, our faces mere inches apart. "This is our chance, Sweetheart..."

He grinned, pulling me so close that i could feel his soft breaths on my upper lip.

"Run away with me."

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