Chapter 1

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Secrets are curious things, like dreams, slipping away from you before your eyes.

My life is full of secrets.

Secrets they won't tell me. But I keep secrets too. My special secret. Violet Acacia Saruman.

What does my secret mean? It's my name. Only one can know of my secret. And his secret is Caesy Lee. We're best friends, we've been best friends for five years. Funny thing is, I'm ten. And I've been ten since I met Caesy Lee.

Well, I've never met Caesy. I've never left my room in fact. We send notes under my door. He's the only other one who knows I exist. He's the only one who can know I exist. Miss Longfellow would kill anyone who dared help me escape.

Ahh miss Longfellow. I'm her lab rat, in a way. She's convinced that my name is Mary. She brings me food and leads me around the garden for walks in the dark. Then she experiments on me. Sometimes it hurts with a burning fire. Other times, it does nothing. I ask her questions, of life before the orphanage. My answer is always the same.

"Don't be silly, mongrel. You've been here since you were born! I remember your mother quite well before she died in child birth," she would tell me. "Now hold still. I'm going to have to stick this in your arm."

I didn't believe her one bit.

Caesy says he's seventeen and been here his whole life, he remembers all of it. He also says he can't remember me arriving. Just like I can't remember growing. Or anything but my life in the orphanage. Caesy says I should get out. Find a different place to live. He tells me it's not safe here on am daily basis.

Well, Caesy, today is your lucky day.

Miss Longfellow left me with a book of a fair thickness that I'm supposed to read for our lesson. I don't. Instead I throw it at the window. It works, the latch is destroyed and the window easily pops open. I run over to the door, slide a note to Caesy under the door, run back over to the window, and swing my legs over the ledge. I'm probably on the second of third story of this building, so I take a deep breath and launch myself off the building. The only thing I have to loose is my freedom.

I feel the impact and black gnaws at the edges of my vision. A sandy haired man picks me up bridal style, murmuring about how he'd finally found her after they stole her and erased her memory. Whose her? I don't know and couldn't care less at this point in time. Faster than falling asleep, black engulfed my vision, and the world was no more.


I woke up, to a pounding headache, but nothing more. The minute I opened my eyes, I knew that something was wrong with my room. The comforter was a soft lilac rather than the dull greying quilt of my room. The room was full of books and a chair and looked like a normal kids room. My old room was bare.

A knock sounded on the door. A tiny creature entered, with bat ears and tennis ball eyes. "Good to see Miss is up! I has her breakfast!" The enthusiastic think said.

"Name?" I replied. I hadn't really spoken to people since Miss Longfellow always said that children should be seen and not heard. The only time I bothered to talk to her was when I asked her about life before the orphanage.

"I is Peachy, miss. But I is also called Teachy. I is here to teach you magic!" Peach said, enthusiastically.

After I slowly are the food Peachy gave me, i went downstairs to find a letter on the table.

It was addressed to me.

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