Chapter 2

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I opened the letter very cautiously.

Dear Violet,

I know you may be confused as to who I am or why you're here, but don't worry. I am the secret keeper of this house. You are a witch. You may have been wondering why you never seemed to age while at the orphanage. It was in a time lock, so when you were put in there at the age of ten, time stopped outside and continued on in the orphanage. Peachy is here to teach you magic. Typically, you would go to the wizarding school at eleven, but you aren't supposed to exist, you need to stay in the house and stay safe. There are people out there who don't believe that you really died, and if they knew where you were, they'd find you and murder you. Peachy will explain anything that is unclear in this letter, and your family.

Remember, Don't Leave The House.


So a mysterious R.L. has locked me up in this cottage. Any way, I'm going to do as he advised and ask Peachy a few questions.

"Peachy?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes Miss Violet?" She asked excitedly.

"You don't have to call me miss. Also what is a secret keeper?" I felt flattered that she called me miss.

"A secret keeper casts a charm on a place that makes it secret, and they keeps the secret."

"And my family?"

"Ahh yes. You are not a Saruman. You are a Potter. Lily and James were your parents, you look just like Lily though. And you have a twin brother, whose name is Harry. He looks just like James.  Now one night, on October 32, a dark wizard called Voldemort came to kill your parents and they died. However, your twin survived, as did you."

"Where did he go?"

"To your aunt and uncle's house. When you were found, you weren't found by wizards, you were found by muggles, or non magical beings. They put you in their home, but it was destroyed when you were ten, so they sent you to the time lock orphanage. On arrival, everyone's memory was erased of you, including you. You couldn't remember your past, only what has gone on in the orphanage. Oh I almost forgot about your Godfather, if you will allow Peachy, miss..."


At the end of our conversation that covered anything and everything that I could possibly want to know about magic and my life, Peachy handed me a wand.

"Whose wand is this?"

"Geez you're like Harry with all these questions!"

"Who are you?" I thought back to the voice.

"And there she goes again with the NEVER ENDUBG QUESTIONS!"

"Who. Are. You."

"Miss Cat 'Can Not Even' Degoma. Pleased to be in your brain. Now get back to that convo. I made it interesting!"

"The wand was your mothers. It won't be quite as smooth a fit as your own wand, but you isn't to leave the house at any circumstance." Peachy replied to my question. "Now, the first subject I is covering is transfiguration. Here I has a match. Can you turn it into a needle for Peachy?"

"What's the spell?"


Dear Diary,

It's been three years since R. L. left me here in this cabin. I haven't left the house since. I have learned magic beyond my years, and I think Peachy is a big part of that.

Life is simple here. When Peachy goes out, don't leave the house. When Peachy is here, don't leave the house. Rain, sun, winter, fall, or blizzard, don't leave the house. Learn your spells. Learn life skills. Don't leave the house. Eat food. Pretend to be Oprah. Don't leave the house.

I know it's been an eternity since I wrote to you, but I decided to write because the strangest thing has happened to me. The mysterious L wrote me a letter. I haven't opened it yet.

Violet Acacia Potter

My fingers trembled over the wax seal that kept the letter shut. I pulled the letter out, and unfolded it.

Dear Violet,

Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. Don't leave the house. I'm at Hogwarts protecting Harry. We can't come get you yet.


Quite honestly, I was pissed. The RL bro stuck me in here to rot. Although I didn't need to go to Hogwarts, I was already learning fifth year techniques in my third year. I was worried about Harry. Although I think Sirius is innocent, I haven't seen my brother in twelve years, if what felt like twenty two to me.

In other news, Peachy got hit by an illness curse while buying groceries. Get health is dwindling quickly. She won't last two years, even with her strong house elf immune system.

My world was spiraling of it's tracks very quickly. There was only one way to save it.

R. L.

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