Chapter 9

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After a more than eventful train ride with Ginny, Neville, and Luna, both of which I had only met today, we got on the carriages. Pulling the carriages were skeletal horses, with black leathery wings and empty eye sockets. Cute.

"What are those?" Harry asked.

"What are what mate?" Ron asked, looking around.

"Those things, pulling the carriages," Harry replied looking straight at it. Thestrals, I was sure of it now.

"There's nothing there Harry, there never has been," Hermione looked slightly concerned.

"Don't worry, I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am," Luna replied. I smiled widely. I loved this girl so much.

"I can also see them. Honey, you need to learn to relax every now and then," I sat down in the carriages. "You're home!" Harry smiled and sat down across from me. As soon as everyone was seated, we were off to Hogwarts.

Hermione and Luna shared some very awkward conversations. I just sat there twiddling my thumbs, glad I wasn't at Beauxbatons with those awful blue robes. I liked my black, thank you very much.

"So," Neville said after a long awkward silence.

"So indeed," I replied thoughtfully.

"How the actual bloody hell did you end up with Snape as your dad?" Ron blurted out. I laughed a little and shook my head.

"Well, I was in an orphanage before. It... Well let's just say that some of the things weren't 100% legal. Remus rescued me, but couldn't take care of me. So Snape adopted me." I explained, then touched my nose again. Despite the massive lie i just told, it still hasn't grown.

"Did everyone see that Grubbly-Plank woman?" asked Ginny. "What's she doing back here? Hagrid can't have left, can he?"

"He's probably just sick," Harry replied nervously.

"He's not a very good teacher, is he?" Luna spoke her mind.

"He's great!" Ron said.

"He's a brilliant teacher," Harry said, quite cooly. They both turned to Hermione.

"I- well- um- yes he's good, I suppose," Hermione faltered under the glare of the two boys.

"And you, Violet?" Harry turned his angry gaze in me. I didn't falter, it was the same one that I had.

I shrugged. "I've never met Hagrid before, I don't  want to judge him before I meet him," I said pleasantly.

"Well, we all think that he's a bit of a joke in Ravenclaw," Luna replied.

"Well then you haven't got a very good sense of humor!" Ron snarled. Luna simply smiled, as if she was used to antics like these.

"Oh look, we're here. Bye losers!" I said cheerfully before stepping off of the carriage only to see a severe looking woman in elegant green robes.

"Hello Miss Snape. I am Professor McGonagall, and I am here to sort you. I assumed that you wouldn't want to be sorted with the first years, so I brought the hat to you. Just put it in and we'll be off in no time," she said, handing me a worn wizards hat, one that Sev had told me about. The sorting hat.

'Ahh, hello Violet Potter-Snape.'

'Hello sorting hat. Can you sort me now?'

'Yes, yes... Let's see, Potter by blood, Snape by name, neither truly understand you. You're cunning, sly, and ambitious, you have a vast knowledge and an unquenchable thirst for it, you're kind hearted and loyal, but you, Violet, are very, very brave. There will come a time, Violet Potter, that you will have to use your bravery. There comes a time, when you will have to choose, between love, blood, or family. Your bravery will save the world one day. Yet, you truly could be sorted into any house. But you belong, my dear in...'

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted out loud. McGonagall frowned in disapproval of the hat, but turned to smile at me.

"Welcome to Gryffindor, Miss Snape," she said and then she leans over and whispered in my ear. "Your mother and father would be so proud." She smiled and winked. I returned her smile and walked away, confused at the sorting hats words. Love, blood, family. Couldn't those all be the same thing? I guess not. And since when has the sorting hat issued prophecies?

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