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This book has sat in my works for far too long. I just came back through and read it over again. I said to myself, wowie that's pretty cringe. FYI, I wrote this book in the 7th grade. I feel like my writing style has developed and that this book no longer reflects my style as an author. It doesn't fit in with the other books here.

Now, does that mean that I'm deleting this book forever? No. A good friend of mine told me that it would be very good if I just revamped it. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm rewriting this book, and continuing it. Same plot, same characters, just better writing and whatnot. It will be titled the same thing. While that is still in progress (AKA I'm still recreating these first ten chapters), this book will stay up. Once I've started chapter 11, this book will be unpublished/deleted. I look forward to seeing you all over on the new book!


EDIT: Chapter one of the revamped version is up and chapter two is on the way!

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