Chapter 8

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Despite what many people believed, Severus Snape was not a bad guy. Sure, he had a dark past and an unruly temper, but Severus Snape was not defined by those things. It is not wise to dwell in the past and forget to live, I always say. Today, Severus Snape was constantly sacrificing himself for others, others who remind him of people who harassed him for seven years.

Summer passed quickly at my godfather's house. It turned out, we had a lot of things in common. We both wore nothing but black, we both adored potions, and we both couldn't stand it when someone was late. We both had a nervous habit of pulling at our fingers, and we both despised Lord Voldemort with a passion.

The days passed in a similar fashion, but not once did I feel bad myself with nothing to do in the small house. My Godfather and I made potions together, as I had only studied theory, and never made a potion in my life. We practiced Occlumency as well. We talked about life, and once, he asked me if I liked to prank whist we were making a love potion.

"Violet, do you like to prank?" Sev asked me as I threw the powdered moonstone into the cauldron. He asked me quietly and calculatingly. I laughed a dainty little laugh, and turned to smile at my godfather.

"No, I don't like to prank really. Personally, I believe that we shouldn't hurt the ones we love, even if it's just a joke. Remus, however, is a special case. He might have saved my life, but if that man makes me angry, I will not hold back on the Evans temper," We laughed, both knowing exactly what that meant. "If not stopping my temper from getting the best of me is pranking, then yes Severus, I do like to prank. But I fully believe that everyone deserves a good talking to every now and then." We smiled, and Severus' eyes became misty, as if he were remembering something from long ago.

"Your mother never went off on me that badly, thank Merlin, but I was often right there for when she did go off. I remember in fourth year, a boy tried to kiss her, and she yelled at him for a straight forty five minutes! Another time a muggle boy pushed Petunia down a flight of stairs, and Lily got incredibly angry. You could almost see the lightning bolts shooting out of the little dark cloud above her head. Oh," Severus sighed, setting the potion to simmer for half an hour, "I sound like an old man, do forgive be me, Violet, for reminiscing like that on you."

"I don't mind," I quietly replied. "I didn't know about my mother until five years ago. Even then, I didn't learn much about her. I know nothing personal about her."

Severus gave me a fleeting look of pity, but the next second I looked, it was gone. It might have just been a figment of my imagination, but it wasn't. I was sure that I had witnessed Severus Snape showing his feelings. And that, that was rare, even for me.

Soon enough, it was time for Severus to head to Hogwarts, and I had to go back to Number 13 Grimmauld Place. Severus showed me the floo powder and instructed me on how to use it. I threw the powder down, shouted out the name of the dark, grim house, and spun endlessly through tunnels. I did a summersault out of the fireplace and landed gracefully on my feet, covered in soot. I had clearly interrupted dinner, and gave a giant grin.

"Hello fellow human beings!" I replied, and sat down at my reserved chair next to Remus.

"Violet! What a surprise!" Remus said. I rolled my eyes.

"Remus, I am well aware that my g- Father informed you of my return, as I will have you know he fretted over my safety for at least a week before he sent me in his chimney. So don't even try," I said, shooting down
Remus in an instant. Remus just sighed. Sirius gave a large guffaw.

"Violet, it's great to have you back. This place has been dead depressing without you," Sirius said after he finished laughing.

"How was it with Snape?" Harry asked.

"I swear, he acts like he's my mother sometimes! I have to remind him that he is not my mother, and he replied every time with 'No, I am your father and mother, so I have twice as much power over you,'" I impersonated my godfather.

"Snape? Motherly? You've got to kidding!" Ron exclaimed.

"Kidd I do not, Mr. Weasley. Although I must say, i really just think that I have an advantage over you all, seeing as he did decide to take me in," I replied, smiling wickedly.

I received a tongue  stuck out, from several people, and some were 17+. Mature, my dear companions, mature.

The rest of the week flew by, sand everyone but myself found themselves in a hassle to pack the night before the train would take us to Hogwarts. I, however, simply used magic to pack, as Dumbledore still thought it best to have me be able to stay off of the radar. Again, on the day we left, everyone but me seemed flustered. It would be my first time going to a school of any kind, much less a school of magic, so I would have a good excuse to be nervous or excited, but I really wasn't. Voldemort had come back into my dreams last night, creeping like a child about to steal the last cookie. My injury was not bad, but the torture he left upon me had worn me out, so I was currently an emotionless lump. I didn't even remember the walk tree took to King's cross. I do remember the train, it was a beautiful scarlet red steam engine, just how Peachy had described it. I decided to stick with Harry, as Ron and Hermione had deserted us. We met up with Ginny and a boy called Neville Longbottom. Ginny dragged us into the compartment with a girl called Luna Lovegood. She was odd, but it didn't phase me, I was finally living the life I needed to live.

"Something wrong, Violet?" Harry asked me.

I wanted to run into his arms and tell him everything. I wanted to murder Voldemort, just so I could say everything was perfect. But I had to be a Pinocchio, and I had to lie.

"No, Harry, everything is just dandy over here," I gave him a kind smile and touched the tip of my nose. It hasn't grown, but with the amount of lying I was going get myself into, it was sure to lengthen some.

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