Chapter 36: A Trip to See the Boys

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The three of us walked to the mall. Maddie and I were dreading this little meet up while Kendall was overjoyed with it.

"Why are we going to eat with them? You don't even know them that well!" Maddie whined.

"What better way of getting to know them." Kendall stayed positive. "Plus I texted Conor pretty much all last night. I know him pretty well."

"Boy crazy." I mumbled with a grin and she gave me a slight shove.

"Wait did you even tell him were on dance moms?" Maddie asked.

"No... That didn't really come up. I'd like to get to know them a bit more before we tell them that." Kendall nervously remarked.

"Well just don't lie if they flat out ask you what you do, just don't lie." Maddie advised Kendall.

We walked through the mall and met two sets of fans. Eventually we made it to Jimmy Johns. Sure enough the boys were sitting at a table waiting for us . Great.

"There they are." Kendall whispered as Maddie and I rolled out eyes.

We walked over to them. "Hey." Kendall greeted them.

"Hey!" Conor replied. "Should we get the food now?"

"Yeah, let's do that." Maddie added trying to get away from just them.

We walked over and ordered our meals. After we received then we went and sat down at the table again.

We were sitting in a booth, boys on one side girls on the other.

"So tell us about yourselves." Conor asked. So awkward as we unfolded the paper around our sandwiches.

"Well I'm Kendall, that's Maddie, and that's Katie. We're all fourteen." Kendall twirled her hair around her pointer finger.

"Oh cool were all fourteen too." Conor replied taking some tomatoes off his sandwich. "So do you guys play any sports or anything?"

"Actually we are all dancers." Maddie replied. "You guys do anything?"

"Actually were all football players." Jack answered.

"Cool. You guys from here?" I asked then took a sip of my Dr Pepper.

"Yep." Dylan replied. "You guys?"

"Maddie and I are from Pittsburgh but Katie is from here." Kendall answered.

"Wait are you two like sisters or something?" Conor asked Kendall and Maddie.

"Nope we're not sisters just friends." Maddie laughed.

"Oh." Jack laughed. "We're not related either."

We talked until we all finished our meals. "I'll get the trash." Dylan announced and grabbed the paper and thew them away.

The boys weren't actually that bad. I have to admit I was kind of into Dylan. But there still no way I would even consider dating him. Not to mention he may not even like me.

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