PART 12...

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Everything was back to being perfect. We had till Friday morning together and alone, till we had to make our way to the next concert ready for the evening.

We acted like love struck teenagers Monday and Tuesday, sleeping in late. Breakfasting in bed. We toured London like tourists, catching all the sights. I made sure to drag Seb on the London eye, round Buckingham palace and into Madame tussards where we posed with all the waxworks, me of course taking loads of pictures; a few of which were posted on Facebook and Instagram.

We had officially told Simon that we were a couple and thankfully, he appeared calm over the whole thing. Appearing to have his blessing, Seb posted out to the world that we were together and I loved the photo he chose as his mobile home screen.

Wandering into Hyde park, we sat under a large oak tree. Well Seb was sat with his back against the tree and I was laid with my head in his lap. An occasional fan would stop and ask for an autograph or photo and Seb more than willingly accepted. We stayed like that for quite some time. Both revelling in each other's company and Seb stroking my hair gently, whilst he read the news on his phone and I texted with Lucy to find out how things were going with Mark.

We spent the evenings wrapped in each other's arms, laid on the leather sofa, watching more movies, then climbing the stairs and making love. The bed, the dresser, the bath, the stairs...ok, maybe the stairs were a very bad idea. I couldn't think of anywhere else I wanted to be until Wednesday morning when I caught a voicemail from Carlos, asking me to call him back. I dialled his number and awaited his reply. It wasn't long till he picked up...

"Hi Amy. Thankyou for calling me back so quickly", Carlos spoke and it sounded like something was wrong. He sounded tearful.

"Are you ok?", I answered, genuinely concerned.

"I fell and I think I have hurt my ankle. I didn't know who to phone. Could you come round to my house and help me go to the hospital?".

I couldn't say no. No matter what had happened between us, he needed help and I needed him back on his feet for the show on Friday night. Taking a deep breath, I replied.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Sit down until I get there".

"Thankyou Amy", he spoke and I hung up, turning to Seb and telling him what had just occurred and that I was taking Carlos to a and e. I grabbed my handbag and headed for the door but finding myself wrapped in Seb's arms.

"In French we do not say I miss you. We say tu me manques which means you are missing from me". My heart skipped a beat then and there and I turned and kissed him goodbye.

I borrowed Seb's car and headed over, finding the door to Carlos' house open. 

"Carlos", I called from the doorway.

"I'm in here", he replied and I found him sat on the sofa. "Come on wounded soldier, let's get you to the hospital for an X-Ray. I need you in one piece for Friday".

Helping him into the car, we headed to the hospital where an X-Ray showed merely a sprain. I was relieved, though I knew that Carlos would have to be seated through the next few shows.

I text the other guys to let them know he was ok and also e mailed Simon with the news.

It was afternoon before we got back to Carlos' house and he had strict instructions to rest and elevate the leg. Painkillers and anti-imflammatories within reach, Carlos spoke.

"Amy, I know I'm asking a lot but would you stay with me. I don't know who else to ask".

I couldn't refuse him and agreed, phoning Seb to let him know and that I would be back the next morning and not to worry.

Things went better than I thought. Carlos acted like a complete gentleman and the conversation flowed easily with him telling me about his childhood and how he got into the world of opera. He also opened up about his marriage and how the divorce had hurt him badly. How he felt the need to act the way he does on stage so people wouldn't see how hurt he was. The wine was flowing and it wasn't long before we had drunk two bottles. 

I began to see him in a different light that day. 

"Carlos, I know how you feel. I was engaged to be married until I walked in on him in bed with my best friend. It will eat you up unless you let it go and move on", I spoke.

"I know but I loved her so much", he replied.

"That's love", I answered. "You will find someone. Someone who deserves you. Your an amazing guy and any woman would be lucky to have you".

We were both sat on the sofa and settled down with a couple of old black and white movies. I didn't realise how tired I was until I opened my eyes and found myself laying next to Carlos, his arm draped over me. It was morning and we had obviously spent the night like this.

I panicked and tried to move but Carlos' arm held me imprisoned. I knew nothing had happened but didn't want this to appear to be something it wasn't.

"Good morning", Carlos spoke, looking deep into my eyes.

"Morning", I replied before trying to move from his embrace.

"Please, just let me hold you for five more minutes. I Havnt slept this peacefully for a long time", he whispered.

"Carlos, I can't do this", I replied moving his arm and sitting up. "I need to get back to Seb and you need to phone the others to let them know your ok".

"Amy, please listen. I know your with Seb but I have fallen for you too. I should have told you earlier and I need you to know. I want to be the reason you look at your phone and smile. Within you, I lose myself and without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again".

I was stunned. How could he tell me these things?. I didn't know what to say. It had taken a lot to let myself fall for Seb and to now have Carlos expressing these feelings for me, I felt confused. 

"Carlos, I need to go", I spoke. "I'll arrange for you to get to Manchester for Friday and you can sit during the shows".

"Thankyou Amy", Carlos spoke before I opened the door and walked out into a beautiful Thursday morning, though I knew where I needed to be. 

I made my way back to Seb's house and into his arms. I knew I needed to be with him and that Carlos needed to understand and not be jealous. I knew that jealousy is like salt in food. A little can enhance the flavour but too much can spoil the pleasure and under certain circumstances, it can be life-threatening. I wasn't going to let this spoil il divo. I wasn't going to be the reason for any hatred between the guys. 

I wasn't going to let this worry come between Seb and me either. He was mine and I was his. Nothing would come between us. Not even Carlos.

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