PART 32.

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Making our way out to our allotted seats, it wasn't long before a beautiful lady made her way to the front row, looking around her as if she were looking for someone. Walking up to her, Amy tapped her on the shoulder. "Jeanette?", Amy enquired and was soon met with a smile and a hug.

"Yes, that's me", Jeanette replied. "You must be Amy, Sebastien's fiancé".

"Yes", Amy replied and leaning over, introduced Arianwen to Jeanette as well, stating that she was now Ur's fiancé.

Hugging Arianwen, Jeanette spoke. "I am so happy for you both. Carlos asked me to come and see the show tonight and I must say that he is so handsome and a perfect gentleman".

Leaning towards Arianwen, Amy pretended to whisper in her ear but loud enough for her to hear it. "I think we're going to like this one. A keeper me thinks".

Arianwen replied. "A good addition to the throng, me thinks and Carlos could do with a women who will keep him grounded".

Everyone started to laugh before sitting down for the show to begin. "Have you ever been to an Il Divo concert before?", Amy asked.

"No, I haven't, though I do like all their music. I think I have a couple of their CD's at home", Jeanette replied.

"So, this is where the Spanish inquisition begins, Pardon the pun", Arianwen enquired. "You'll have to tell us all about you now".

"Ok", Jeanette began. "I'm originally from Australia but I'm working here in Switzerland at the moment".

"So, what do you do for a living?", Amy asked.

"I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon", Jeanette replied. "I know it sounds so boring but I love it and I'm working in a clinic here in Zurich".

"Wow", Amy replied. "But that's perfect. Carlos could do with a woman who mends hearts. His was broken pretty badly a while ago and now you can mend him".

Jeanette started to laugh. "Well, you never know. He has asked to go out on a date with me after the show, so we shall see how things go. I do like him a lot though".

"God, we're a multi-cultural bunch now", Arianwen laughed. "The partners of Il Divo. Two living in Switzerland, one in America and one from the UK".

"We're just as bad as them", Amy answered. "But it all fits together like a glove".

Settling down for the concert, it wasn't long until the spotlight once again shone down on the front row and the three of us. Urs walked to the front of the stage and microphone in hand, proudly announced that he had gotten engaged the previous evening and beckoned for Arianwen to take the stage, which she did rather hesitantly. Seb, then announced about his engagement and Amy, too, took the stage at his asking and there they both stood, holding hands with their fiancés. The crowd once again applauded and cheered at the news.

Looking out at the audience, Jeanette could be seen clapping but her gaze was fixed upon Carlos'. He was smiling at her and her back at him. Amy could tell that they were both smitten with each other and maybe, just maybe, this was going to last for Carlos.

The show ended well and Carlos and Jeanette were soon on their way out for their date with Carlos asking Amy whether he looked good. "I find myself wanting to make a good impression", he laughed.

"Just be yourself and Jeanette will fall in love with you as we all have", Amy answered, pulling him in for a hug. "Now go and have a great time. Tell me all about it tomorrow".  

 The rest of the gang ended up back at the hotel for a night in the hotel's bar. Urs fell into his old routine of seeing if he could make it down the cocktail menu, with Arianwen wondering how he could drink so much. Urs was somewhat disappointed that he had lost his drinking partner and that Amy was sticking to soft drinks but she did relent and have one glass of wine with lemonade. She was sticking to that one drink whilst David was drinking his usual cosmos with gusto. This was turning into a noisy evening, especially when David suggested that they purchase some bottles and head up to his room to continue.

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