PART 51.

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"I guess I'd better be going", Amy found herself saying as she stood from the sofa, headed to the armchair and picking up her coat, placed it on and headed for the front door. 

"Shall I call you a taxi?", Seb answered as he followed closely behind her. "It looks cold out there tonight and I want you to get home safely".

"It's ok. I can walk", Amy replied as she reached for the door handle and turned it. "I could do with the fresh air to clear my head. I think the wine has got to me. I haven't drunk in a long time and...".

Amy turned towards Seb to find him stood so close to her. She couldn't help but stare into his eyes and she saw that he was staring back at her with the same look that  had been haunting her in her dreams. The look that told her that she indeed was the only one for him. The only one that could make him feel this way. Taking the final step towards him, Amy placed her lips gently on Seb's before pulling away. But not before feeling as though the kiss had energised her. As though it had brought her back to life.

"I have to go", Amy whispered. "Ceridwen will be up early in the morning and she's a little live-wire at the moment. I'll get our stuff packed and we'll head over to yours late morning. I hope that's ok?".

Seb seemed to understand but not before he leant forwards and gently kissed Amy once more. "I can't wait to see you both tomorrow", he spoke through a smile that could threaten to make Amy stay exactly where she was. 

Leaving Seb's house, Amy was actually glad that she hadn't called a taxi. The night air was bringing her back to her senses. She had kissed Seb. She had gone there with full intentions of merely talking about Ceridwen and now, all she could think of was trying again. Was this the right thing to do. Amy realised that she really had no-one to talk to about this. Or did she?.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, Amy facebooked the one person she felt that could help her at this time and thankfully, her mobile number was listed. The one person who had been there for her through thick and thin. Then Amy froze. She had betrayed their friendship but she had to try. She had to do something. Sending the message was one of the hardest things that she had done. But better to beg forgiveness than to wonder what could have been. Placing the phone back in her pocket, Amy continued her walk, knowing that it would only take a few minutes. Reaching her uncles house, it wasn't long before Amy was showered and in bed, her dreams seeming to take a new course. She was part of a happy family again.

Waking the next morning, Amy seemed to have a spring in her step that she hadn't had for a long time. After making Ceridwen her usual pancakes and getting them both dressed, she packed up everything and ordered a taxi to head over to Seb's. With mixed emotions going through her head, Amy wrote a small note to her uncle saying thank you for everything. She didn't want to let slip that she knew about him hiding the letters but still wanted to be polite. Grabbing their bags, she headed out of the door and onto the start of a new chapter in both Ceridwen's and her lives. Well, she hoped. 

The taxi pulled up at Seb's house and the door seemed to instantly open. Seb had recognised the taxi. Almost running down the steps, Seb was soon stood at the boot of the taxi, grabbing their bags and helping them inside. As he closed the front door, he placed the bags in the hall and followed them into the living room. Ceridwen was eagerly pointing to the piano in the corner of the room.

Amy picked up Ceridwen before turning to Seb. "Seb, I would love for you to meet your daughter Ceridwen". Then looking at Ceridwen, she continued, "and my little princess, I would like for you to meet your daddy".

Ceridwen seemed to understand as she instantly reached out her arms and shouted "Daddy".

Tears seemed to form simultaneously in both Seb and Amy's eyes and looking at each other, Seb took the few steps towards her and reaching out, took Ceridwen in his arms for the first time. Amy couldn't believe how alike they both were. "Your a natural", Amy found herself saying as she sat herself on the sofa. "I can't believe how much you look alike now that I see you together". Taking her mobile out of her pocket, Amy quickly found her camera and took a picture of this moment. "I'll send it to you", Amy quickly spoke as Seb realised what had happened.

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