It's coming

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"How is he?"

" Well, he is very weak. He is still asleep, but as far as I can tell without waking him up, he will be fine."

"Oh thank Merlin. This poor boy....."

  Madam Pomfrey and Mcgonagle were at 12 Grimmuald Place with the rest of the Order.

They had just escaped the battle at Malfoy Manor, with minor injuries that were quickly healed. Draco was in a room with Harry, sleeping. Harry had carried him out of the battle, after killing or seriously injuring countless death eaters.

They had finished the task; get Draco back. But they had also endangered everyone as well.

The death eaters were growing stronger and stronger, and they had just made them angrier. There was something coming, something big, and bad. It was coming, and nobody could stop it.

"Ron, thank you." Harry spoke up, emerging from Dracos room.

"Blimey mate, i may not agree on your relationship, but I wouldn't  let him die. If he really means that much to you, I'm willing to help you out, you're  my best mate. and again, I am so sorry. I was such a prick."

"It's okay, its all forgiven. But honestly, thank you all, so much." He turned to the Order, who stood smiling at him.

"Draco would have been dead if we had waited any longer, and i couldn't have lived with that. Thank you so much." Harry choked on swelling tears.

"Oh dear, we would do it all over again for you!" Molly Weasley came rushing forward and gave Harry a big, motherly hug.

Luna and her father, who had both been prisoners as well, were happily talking with Mr. Weasley and Lupin.

Sirius was seated with Narcissa, both of them crying with each other and catching up. Sirius highly regretted not being able to be a part in Dracos life, as family.

And though something bad was coming, they all saw a little more hope. If they could stay together, as family, they were stronger. They might finally be able to be happy.

And though something big was coming soon, something bigger was coming even sooner.


"Draco!" Harry rushed in to the boy who had just yelled for him.

"Draco baby you're up! oh, what is it!?"

"Harry" Draco began. "Harry-

                                                                     It's the baby!"

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