Chapter 10:

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thanks @galaxy_horan :)

ALSO PLEASE READ. If any of you do art or photo edits, if you message me, I'll add the picture :) And I'll give you credit of course. The art could be anything, not necessarily After related. If you wanna draw Harry eating a grilled cheese sandwich go for it. 


It is finally Friday and my first week of college is almost over. Feeling pleased with the way the week has gone, I plan on taking time from my studying tonight to rent some movies since Tristan will most likely be at a party. Having all my classes syllabus really makes things easier for me so I can do a lot of the work ahead of time. I grab my bag and leave early, stopping by the café to grab a coffee to get an extra jump start on the day.

"Louis right?" A girl's voice says behind me as I wait in line. I turn around to find the pink haired girl from the party. Molly I think Tristan called her.

"Yeah." I answer and turn back around.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" She asks. Sighing, I turn around again and shake my head. "You should, it's going to be awesome." she says and smiles. She runs her tiny fingers over a large swirling tattoo on her forearm.

"Too bad, I know Zayn wanted to see you." she says and I can't help but laugh. "What? He was talking about you yesterday."

"I doubt that..but even if he was, I'm straight and I have a girlfriend." I tell her, causing her smile to grow.

"Too bad, I bet he could swing you." she smirks and I thank god when my order is ready. My hand wraps around the cup too quickly and a little bit of coffee laps over the edge and burns my hand, I curse under my breath and walk away.

Swing me? Turn me gay, obviously. Yuck, I do not like boys and Natalie is everything to me. We haven't spoken much this week but that's only because my schedule is so busy. I send her a quick text telling her I miss her and make my way to my classes.

The day has been great. Liam and I have been meeting by the bookstore to walk to Literature together. He is leaning against the brick wall and as I reach him he greets me with a big smile.

"I am leaving about thirty minutes into class today, I'm flying home for the weekend." He tells me.

"That's so exciting!" I tell him, maybe I should go home for the weekend sometime. My mom's house is only two hours away but I haven't bought a car yet, so it will have to wait.

As promised, Liam leaves thirty minutes into class and suddenly i am very aware of Harry sitting next to me. In college we can sit wherever we want, a different seat every day if want but Harry always sits next to me in the front row. I know he does it just to annoy me but I have ignored him all week.

"We will begin our week long discussion of Jane Austen's, Pride and Prejudice." Professor Hill announces as class ends. I can't help my huge grin, I have read that novel at least ten times. It is one of my favorites.

"Let me guess, you just love Mr, Darcy." Harry says in a mocking tone as I walk outside.

"I do not actually." We reach the intersection and I look both ways before crossing the street.

"Really?" he laughs, continuing to follow me.

"Yes really, but I'm sure you aren't able to comprehend Mr. Darcy's character." My mind goes to the massive collection of novels in Harry's room. They couldn't possibly be his. Could they?

"Oh yeah, it's really hard to comprehend that he's a rude and and intolerable man being made into a romantic hero. I think it's ridiculous, if Elizabeth had any sense she would have told him to fuck off."

I laugh as his choice of words but cover my mouth with my hand, stopping myself. I was actually enjoying myself bantering with him, but it would only be a matter of time, minutes if I'm lucky, until he says something hurtful. He has a dimpled grin across his face and I can't help but admire his good looks. Piercings and all.

"Bit do you agree that Elizabeth is an idiot?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Yes and no, she was not smart for her relationship with Mr. Darcy, but she was still one of the strongest most complex characters ever written." I defend. He laughs and I join him. Something flashes in his eyes and he stops laughing.

"I will see you around Lewis." he says and turns on his heel. What is with him? Before I can analyze his actions, my phone rings. It's Natalie. I feel an odd guilty feeling as I answer.

"Hey Lou, I was going to text you but I figured I might as well call." Natalie's voice sounds rushed.

"What are you doing? You sound busy."

"No I'm on my way to the grill to meet some friends." she explains.

"Okay well I won't keep you busy. I am so glad it's Friday. I am ready for the weekend."

"Are you going to another party? Your mom is still disappointed." Why did she mention it to my mom? I love that she is close with my mom but sometimes dating her is like having an annoying little sister that tattles on me. Did I just compare Natalie to a sister? It has been a long week.

"No I'm not going to a party, I miss you.'

"I miss you too Lou. So much. Call me later okay?"

I agree and we exchange "I love yous" before hanging up.

When I get back to my room, Tristan is getting ready for the party tonight, I assume it is at Harry's frat house. I log into Netflix and browse the movies, deciding what to watch tonight,

"I really wish you would come, I swear we won't stay this time. Just come for a little bit. Watching movies all alone in this small room sounds miserable!" He begs while I laugh. He continues to plead while he does his hair and changes into three different shirts. He decides on a tight white shirt that leaves very little to the imagination to go with his skinny jeans. I envy his confidence. I know I have decent body, toned but with a bit of a tummy, I'm just not comfortable with it like he is. I tend to wear loose shirts that hide my stomach while he tries to draw as much attention to his perfectly toned chest as possible.

"I know, I just..ugh! What the heck?" I yell at my laptop screen that is now all black. I try to turn it off and on but it doesn't change from the black screen.

"It's a sign that you should come. My laptop is in Niall's room so you can't use it.." He smirks and ruffles his hair again. I really don't want to sit in the dorm room alone with nothing to do or watch.

"Fine, but we are leaving before midnight." I groans and he smiles, a look of glory on is face. 

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