Chapter 40:

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I haven't emailed y'all yet, smh. I will soon!!

Enjoy 🐰❤


I walk back to my room and hope that Harry is gone, I can't bare to even look at him. Being the disgusting person that he is, he is sitting on my bed when I return. Visions of me grabbing the lamp and bashing him in the head go through my mind, but I don't have the energy to fight with him.

"I'm not going to apologise" Harry tells me as I walk past him towards Tristan's bed. I will not sit on my bed with him.

"I know you aren't" I say and lay back.

I won't let him bait me into this fight and I never expected him to apologise. I know him better by now. Well, in all honesty I don't know him at all. Last night I thought he was just an angry boy whose father left him and he held onto the hurt, using the only emotion he could to keep people out. This morning I see that he is just a terrible, hateful person. There is nothing good about Harry, anytime I believed there was, was only because that is what he wanted me to believe.

"She needed to know" he says and I bite down on my lip to prevent the tears from returning. I stay quiet until I hear Harry get up and move towards me.

"Just go Harry" When I look up he is standing over me, he sits down on the bed and I jump up.

"She needed to know" he repeats and anger boils inside me. I know he is doing this on purpose just to get a rise out of me.

"Why Harry? Why did she need to know? How could hurting her possibly be a good thing? You weren't affected one bit by her not knowing, you could have went on with your day without telling her. You had no right to do that to her  or me." I feel the tears coming again but this time I can't stop them.

"I would want to know if I was her” he says, his voice is steady and cold.

"You aren't her though, and you never will be. I was stupid to think you could possibly be anything close to her. And since when do you care about what is right?"

"Don't you dare compare me to her" he snaps. I hate the way he chooses only one of my statements to respond to. He stands up and moves toward me but I back away, keeping the distance between us at least five feet.

"There is no comparison. Don't you get that by now? You are a cruel and disgusting jerk who doesn't give a shit about anyone but yourself and she loves me. She is willing to try to forgive me for my mistakes. My terrible mistakes." I add.

Harry takes a step back as if I pushed him.

"Forgive you?"

"Yea, she will forgive me for this. I know she will. Because she loves me, so your evil plan to get her to break up with me so you can sit back and laugh didn't work. Now get out of my room."

"That wasn't.. I.." He starts to say but I cut him off. I have wasted enough time on him already.

"Get out! I know you're probably already plotting your next move against me, but guess what Harry? It isn't going to work anymore, now get the fuck out of my room" I am surprised by my harsh words but I don't feel bad for using them against Harry.

"That isn't what I am doing Lou, I thought after last night...I don't know, I thought you and I.." He seems to be at a loss for words, which is a first. Part of me, a huge part of me is dying to know what he is going to say but this is how I got so tangled in his web in the first place. He uses my curiosity against me, it is all a game to him. I furiously wipe my eyes, I am thankful I didn't wear makeup yesterday.

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