Chapter 30:

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A/N :

So the chapter numbers might not be correct per say, but everything is in order.

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Why am I even here? Natalie is back in my room waiting for me and here I am wasting even more time on Harry.

"I should go" I say and stand up..

"Don't go" My feet stop in their tracks at the pleading tone in his voice. I turn around and he is less than a foot from me.

"Why not? Do you have more insults to throw in my face?" I shout and turn away from him. I feel his hand wrap around my arm and he jerks me back.

"Don't turn your back on me!" He shouts even louder than I did.

"I should have turned my back on you a long time ago!" I scream and push against his chest. "I don't know why I am even here! I came all the way here the second Liam called me! I left my girlfriend who like you said is the only one who can stand to be around me, to come here for you! You know what? You're right Harry, I am pathetic. I am pathetic for coming here, I am pathetic for even trying.." I am cut off by his lips against mine.

I push at his chest to stop him but he doesn't budge. Every part of me wants to kiss him back but I stop myself. I feel his tongue trying to pry its way in between my lips and he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him despite me continuing to push against him. It's no use, he is stronger than me.

"Kiss me Louis" He says against my lips.

I shake my head and he grunts in frustration.

"Please, just kiss me. I need you" his words unravel me. This indecent, drunken, terrible man just said he needs me and somehow it sounds like poetry to my ears. Harry is like a drug to me, even if I take the tiniest bit of him, I crave more and more. He consumes my thoughts and invades my dreams.

The second my lips part his mouth is on mine again, this time I don't resist. I can't. I know this isn't the answer to my problems and I am just digging myself deeper but that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is his words "I need you" Could Harry possibly need me the way I desperately need him? I doubt it but for right now I pretend that he does. He brings one of his hands to cup my cheek and he runs his tongue along my bottom lip. I shudder and he smiles, his lip ring tickling the corner of my mouth. I hear a rustling noise and pull away. He lets me stop the kiss but he keeps his arms wrapped tightly around me, his body pressed against mine. I look towards the back door and pray that Liam didn't witness my terrible lapse of judgment. I don't see him, thank god.

"Harry, I really have to go. We can't keep doing this, its not good for either of us" I tell him and look down.

"Yes we can" he says and lifts my chin up, forcing me to look into his green eyes.

"No, we can't. You hate me and I don't want to be your punching bag anymore. You confuse me. One minute you're telling me how much you can't stand me or you're humiliating me after my most intimate experience" he opens his mouth to interrupt me and I put my finger against his pink lips and continue, "then the next minute you are kissing me and telling me you need me. I don't like who I am when I am with you and I hate the way I feel after you say terrible things to me"

"Who are you when you are with me?" He asks.

"Someone I don't want to be, someone who cheats on their girlfriend and cries constantly" I explain.

"You know who I think you are when you are with me?" He runs his thumb along my jawline and I try to stay focused.


"Yourself. I think this is the real you, you're just too busy caring what everyone else thinks about you to realize it" He sounds so honest and sure of his answer that I take a second to really think about his words. "And I know what I did to you after I fingered you." he notices my scowl and continues, "sorry.. after our experience was wrong. I felt terrible after you got out of my car"

"I doubt that" I snap, remembering how much I cried that night.

"It's true, I swear it. I know you think I am a bad person.. but you make me.." Why does he always stop?

"Finish that sentence or I am leaving" I tell him and mean it.

"You.. you make me want to be good, for you... I want to be good for you, Lou."

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