Chapter 3

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The next morning, Peggy woke up and got dressed into her blue, red and white dress, walked out of the house and headed to the phone company building. When she got into the building she noticed that Jack Thompson wasn't in the building, she went to ask a worker where he was and he replied, "Oh, you didn't hear? He got shot when he got off the plane, right in the heart. Didn't survive..."

"Oh my god!" Peggy said in astonishment and walked away, she then noticed that there was a new chief.

Five minutes later, the chief walked out of his office and started handed out sheets of paper with assignments. When Agent Carter received her paper it said,


Lunch Orders, Organise files, go shopping somewhere (do wha ever you want... Just leave after)

As soon as she saw this she stomped into the chief's office, slammed it on the table and asked, "why have I got this again?"

"Because that's the only thing you are good at, well of what I've heard." He replied

"I just spent, 5 weeks in California and completed the Lady of The Lake Killer Mystery!" He just shrugged, "I heard you got help from Chief Daniel Sousa..." Peggy stared at him in disgust and shouted "That's it! I quit." and she stormed out the door and entered the automat just down the street.

"Hey Angie! Do you want to move to California?" Peggy asked abruptly. Angie looked confused at first then looked down at her waitress dress, at the cars outside, the rain and she immediately had answer. "YES!".

"Great! Let's go home and pack our stuff." and Peggy walked out the door, heels clicking on the marble floor. Angie dropped her napkin, smiled and followed marching out the door. 

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