Chapter 6

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Peggy walked into the Theatrical Agency and waved at Rose as she walked through to the back. 'The R to the S cabinet' Peggy recited to herself and at that, the agent walked through the hidden door and into the SSR.

When Peggy walked into the main room of the SSR she saw Chief Daniel Sousa bossing people around and she just laughed, he definitely liked the authority. "Daniel!" She called out and Daniel immediately turned around, He would always hear that beautiful English accent even if she was halfway across the country. When he saw those cherry red sunglasses Daniel smiled and walked towards Peggy. Peggy smiled back and Daniel said "come on, let's go into my office."

Daniel opened the door for Peggy, she laughed, then closed the door behind him. The two started having a conversation and then someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Daniel shouted and the agent walked in holding a file that obviously needed to be signed or something. "Yes, agent what would you like?" Daniel asked noticing that he was staring suspiciously at Peggy.

"Oh, um, I just need you to sign this" Daniel took it from his hands and started to sign the document, the agent continued "Why is she here? Oh ah I mean Betty Carver. That's her name right?"

"Betty Carver" and Peggy emphasized 'Betty Carver' "is working here now Agent Johnson. Do you have a problem with that?" She asked in her usual, confident tone.

"Ah," Agent Johnson sounded nervous, "No, I was just asking" and at that Agent Johnson walked out of Chief Sousa's office.When the agent was out of earshot Daniel started laughing and attempted to say "You really handled yourself just then"

"Believe it or not Daniel, I can take whatever these adolescents throw at me." Peggy said in a joking tone. The two of them laughed and the Peggy decided it was time to go so she left for home.

*Sorry for the really short chapter. I hope the next one will be longer! <3)   

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