Chapter 7

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When Agent Margaret Carter woke up the next morning she realised it was Saturday, her day off, then she remember Daniel was coming over so she got out of bed and got dressed.

Daniel was getting a lift from Agent Johnson because the two of them were on a stake out together the night before and Daniel left his car at the office. 'Ding, dong' that was the sound of Daniel ringing the doorbell. Almost immediately Peggy answered the door and smiled "Hi Daniel, I hope you haven't eaten Miss' Jarvis is making red velvet pancakes!"

"Yum!" Daniel exclaimed as he walked through the door. Peggy was about to shut the door when she heard the faint sound of a bullet. The next thing she new, she was shot - again - just above the pelvis bone. Peggy fell to the floor and Daniel immediately ran to her side.

*Time Jump*

When Peggy was released from the hospital, Chief Sousa, Howard and herself had a meeting. "Look Peggy, it's obvious someone wants you dead." Howard sighed and Peggy rolled her eyes saying sarcastically "Nah, they're just shooting me for fun."

"Peggy, this is serious. I know me and Stark don't want you dead.'

"Fine Daniel, I'll take this seriously. What do we do Howard?" Then Howard's eyes lit up, "I have just the thing!" The three of them followed Howard down into his lab, and then Howard locked the door.

"Lady and Gentleman!" Stark said very excited "I give you the 'Official Howard Stark Time Traveling Mechanism!"

"Time travel..." Peggy said sounding unimpressed, "One, you need to work on names, and two, do expect to travel me through time?"

"Yeah Stark, I don't really think Peggy should go alone" Daniel agreed and Howard just rolled his eyes "No sillies Peggy would go into the future with you Daniel!"

Both Peggy and Daniel's eyebrows raised to the top of their temples and they said in unison "Only us!" Then Howard just laughed,

"Come on, everyone here knows you guys have something going on." Then agent Carter rolled her eyes and said "Fine, I'll go."

"You know, you are so stubborn" Daniel laughed and Howard jumped up into the air screaming 'Yahoo!' Peggy joined the two of them and soon everyone was in a laughing fit.

(I know, it's a really short chapter and I can't promise the next one will be long... But I will hopefully update again soon!

P.S. Steve is coming in soon! YAY!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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