Chapter 4

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The plane took off and Peg and Angie were chattering away whilst eating the muffins they got given on the plane. After several hours they finally got of the plane and walked into one of the plane lounges in the LAX, pulling their suitcases with them and Angie was looking around in astonishment, "so this is hollywood!" she exclaimed as the two walked out the doors.

Peggy had already contacted Jarvis so, for the meantime, they had a place to stay and a lift from the airport. When they got to the Stark Residence, Anna showed Angie around while Peggy called the SSR. "Hello?" questioned Peggy into the phone, "hello, Mr Auerbach's Theatrical Agency' here?" Rose replied.

"Rose! It's me Peggy."

"Peggy! What are doing calling me?"

"Well," Peggy started sounding nervous "Are there spots open in the office?"

"Of course, I'll tell the chief, I'm sure he'll let you join. Wait wh-" started Rose, but Peggy interrupted, "Great Thanks, get him to call me. Bye!"

A few hours later, Daniel had finished an interrogation and and all throughout it he was worried about Peggy and what she was doing in California again. After he finished Daniel immediately went to his office, locked the door, picked up the phone, and dialed Peggy's number.

'BRING, BRING!' the phone went off in the house and Angie answered "Hello? Stark Residence, Angie here." and she waited for the other person to reply "Hello? Um yes, It's Daniel Sousa, can you please put Peggy on the line?

"Sure thing" and Angie went to get Peggy.

"Hello? Daniel?" Peggy said into the phone,

"Hey! Peggy, Rose told me you were back in California, why? Is something the matter? Peggy Just giggled. "No silly" she teased"everythings fine, Angie and just moved here because I quit and we both wanted a fresh start."

"WAIT!" You quit?" Daniel asked in shock "WHY"

"Because" and she would have continued but she was cut off, "Hang on, I'll there in a sec. We'll go for a drive, to the beach maybe, and at that Daniel hung up the phone. "Oh, ok the" Peggy giggled to herself and she ran up to get her cherry-red sunnies that she bought the first time she arrived in LA.

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