red lipstick & coffee

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a/n : welcome to my new fic !! don't be afraid to leave comments because they give me life. all author's notes will be at the end of chapters form now on, as always. enjoy !!

It wasn't like Sirius Black hated his parents - well he didn't want to tell people that. Because in reality, he kind of did.
But as he stood in line, holding two tubes of bright red liquid lipstick, the woman at the register asked him a commonly asked question.

"Aw, are these for your girlfriend?"

Sirius bit his tongue, knowing what the next question would be. "Ah, no."

"For your mom, then?"

Maybe in a million years, because the last time she gave him something he wanted was back in second grade when she gave him the backpack he wanted for school. Not that he hat - held a grudge against her or anything. "Yeah. Her birthday."

The lady smiled, and Sirius smiled back. This was routine. Mainly because the lipstick wasn't for his non-existent girlfriend, nor his overbearing mother, but for himself. Because Sirius had realized in the middle of he night, woken up because he has to pee, that he had been in university for two years now and his parents weren't constantly watching him and he could wear bright red lipstick if he wanted to.
Sirius Black was punk as fuck, but also pretty as fuck. And he knew it.

"Want a receipt?" the lady asked again.

"No thanks," Sirius said, grabbing his bag and walking away. If anyone - say, his parents - came to visit and found the receipt for two tubes of red lipstick in the pile of receipts he kept in his dorm - they'd question him and go on asking if he had a girlfriend.
Not that he was opposed to that, because girls are cute, but he also liked boys and everyone outside and in between, and hasn't been with a girl for several years now. His parents knew both of these things - and hated it.

Sirius reached into his jeans pocket as he felt his phone buzz, noticing that his dorm mate, James, was calling. For the fourth time that day - and it was eleven in the morning. Sirius sighed as he pressed the 'accept' button.

"Hello?" Sirius answered as he looked both ways before crossing the street.

"Okay so," James paused as Sirius heard as why sounded like James asking someone off the phone to 'shove their petition up their arse'. "Alright, so you know that coffee shop on campus?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, there's this guy who works there, you've probably seen him - messy hair, freckles, puts way too much chocolate in the frappucchinos - so I was talking with him because I liked shirt, had this little wolf on it - "

"James, get to the point," Sirius grumbled, the cold air hitting his face as he walked down the sidewalk.

"Right. So we were talking and I found out he's an art major and for his portfolio he has this project that's a lot of his grade and he has to draw and paint someone else. And I was like 'Yo, I have this friend how has killer cheekbones, you should totally draw him!' - "

"Wait, me?"

"Yes, you! I told him that I'd only let him draw you if I got the red haired barista's phone number though. Personally, I think it's a good deal. You have nothing else going on, and you love art too! He agreed, and we're all supposed to meet up at the shop tomorrow and talk about it! Sounds fun, right?" James sounded way too happy with himself. Probably because he hadn't gotten a girl's phone number since - well, a long time. His cheesy pick up lines didn't work.

Sirius groaned as he saw the university buildings in his sight, listening to James finish his entire speech. "I legitimately hate you right now. I don't even know the guy! What if he wants me to pose naked?"

James laughed on the other end. "You'd like that."

"That's rude. Okay, listen, I'm about to be at the dorm, and you can meet me there once you're done doing whatever you're up to now. Don't offer me to anyone else while I'm not with you."

"For your information, I'm buying us milk since someone drank it all this morning. Honestly, you're lactose intolerant, why do you - "

Sirius cut James off by ending the call, not feeling that bad since he'd done it multiple times before.

-  -  -

"What if it's a plan to kill you?"

Remus ran a hand through his hair, rolling his eyes as he wiped down the table that his friend had spilled crumbs all over.

"Peter, shut up. I've seen him around before, he can't get anyone's number and he spilled hot coffee all down himself last week. Nothing to worry about."

Peter scoffed. "Those are the types that need to kidnap other people!"

Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. "Peter, I love ya, but you're killing me right now. Hopefully I won't die. All I know is that I've already drawn you and Lily, and I need someone new to draw. And right now, John - no, James - and his friend are all I have to hope for."

Peter mumbled something under his breath as Remus walked away, shaking his head. He threw the rag into some bin behind the counter, leaning against the wall next to the espresso machine. Customer traffic had died down, and he watched as Lily walked over to him, eating a pastry that should have been in the glass casing next to the register.

"What if his friend is cute?" Lily asked, poking Remus in the side. Remus rolled his eyes.

"I'm here to get a good grade in my major, not get a boyfriend."

"You're so boring. You haven't been with anyone since that time you got drunk and kissed that sports medicine major girl at last year's Christmas party!" Lily grumbled, taking another bite of the pastry.

"She was cute, but I have a hell of a lot of work for my classes and having another person to make sure is alive is just a little much right now," Remus said, giving his friend a cheesy smile.

"Nobody said you had to be in a relationship with James' friend," she smirked. Remus blushed, turning around to make sure Peter hadn't made another mess.

"Mhm, well seems like you remembered James' name," he said, turning back around, raising his eyebrows at Lily.

Lily laughed. "Oh come on, he's not my type. Thinks he knows everything. Plus he stained the couch last week with his coffee."

"Not your type, alright, alright, whatever you say," Remus said, laughing as Lily poked his side again.

"Keep making fun of me until you somehow think Mr. Know-it-all's friend is cute!" Lily said as she walked away to refill the sugar shakers.

"Not gonna happen!"

a/n : first chapter, here we go !! i hope you all like this fic. updates might be slow since school is coming up and stuff, but don't think i will abandon this fic at all !! leave your comments, i love love them !!

- ash xx

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