Chapter Three: BEST DAY EVER

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Auditorium wasn't difficult to find, all I had to do was follow others.

On the entrance of the auditorium I found nothing! Just a bunch of students talking. Wow! That's what they asked for huh! "URGENT MEETING"?

Now I was mad I started to go back but a bunch of girls wearing lab coats blocked me (literally blocked me).

"Excuse me!" Even when you're angry be sure to be polite.
"Come here" a girl with long straight hairs, tall stature and quite a few blemishes on her face said to me with an evil grin. She placed a hand on my back to direct me.

I hate my reflexes, instead of sliding away from her hand, I pushed her hand away(internal face palm).

"Oh! So we have a rebel here!" The same girl announced to the others.

"Send her to the guys" she ordered her friends, if they were her friends at all. For now, they seemed more like her slaves taking orders.

And so four girls in lab coat held me and pushed me while I was struggling to free myself from them. Are we sure we are talking about a medical college and not a mental asylum.

This was the time when everything started to make sense. It is my first day at a medical college, there are seniors in every college and ragging or bullying as is said otherwise is one of the biggest and easiest thing you can be caught in.

That clerk he must be bribed to do that. The notice board was fake it might not even be there now. Oh so stupid of me!

So here I'm being pushed by a few senior girls (from I don't know which year) to the GUYS, which I guess are nothing but other fellow students of their batch. WHAT A GREAT DAY!

Did I told you I was good in sports?
Well, I'm good in sports its just that I'm a bit rusted all over these two or maybe three years I've dedicatedly wasted in studying to get into this college. It paid though.

The thing is I can break this circle that is pushing me now. All I need is one swift motion of the leg and BOOM! one of the girl will fall down tripping the other and encouraging the concern of the other two and I'll have enough time to run!😁

Have you heard of this "don't wait just do it" me too!

I swept my leg to the right hitting the girl's ankle resulting in a loud shriek and a thud and another(ow!😐 Well they deserve it😈). The girl pushing me from the right fell and so did the other girl behind her and as I thought the girl on my left was all full of concern and sympathy and she left me to pick them up and so did the girl behind her. Obviously they needed more people to pick two full grown girls.

Yes! I was free I didn't waited for more than a second. With a crazy grin on my face I sprinted to wherever the path lead me. Away from the girls.

The time you think everything has settled and you don't have any other problem left well, that's a dream so wake up because you are falling into another problem.

In my case I was literally falling into the problem.

Just to check if the girls are still chasing me or not, I looked behind and as you might have figured out landed into the fittest chest in our college. Well I guess he wasn't ready for this so both of us fell with me on top of him. GREAT JUST GREAT.

I started mumbling my sorry over and over, while standing up. But he seemed to have no problem at all he pulled me down again😑. That was bad very very nasty. Not only was I again on the top of him but his friends, who I think were watching this started clicking pictures of us.

What a shame on the first day little Tasha is caught into such a stupid scene.

Well as any other girl I was flushing all red and was glaring furiously at the stupid guy with my greater instincts I slapped the idiot(you must have looked at his face, because I didn't I was too ashamed and angry at the same time).

I gathered all my left over shredded pieces of dignity and stood up and started to walk towards what seemed to me as a familiar way to my classroom.

But maybe this wasn't what that stupid guy wanted after all. So a few guy stopped me in my way.

I looked back and that stupid guy instead of death glaring me(as I expected) was looking at me with a valiant smirk. DEFINITELY A BAD NEWS.

"What's your name, little blue?"he said. Though I love the color blue but being called as " blue" is something strange and weird. And added to that this is the person I hate. Even if he called me by my name with every consonant and vowel properly pronounced as I like it, still I would hate to hear it from him. Maybe he didn't called me because I'm looking all sorry and regretful maybe he just called me that because of my blue shirt. Possible. Oh who am I kidding I must look all worried and scared.

Worst day ever. What am I supposed to do? Be arrogant and not reply or speak it out just to get away with this?
Well if I spoke up I would get deeper and deeper in this shit, but if I don't who knows what they might do.

"Speak it up sweety" he said. Okay this was better than "blue" yeah but still sweety do I look like a little kid sucking my thumb?

"Or I will post our beautiful pic on Facebook, Instagram and everywhere. I'm sure I would get hundreds of likes" he said with one eye brow lifted up and a smug on his face.

Oh I'd love to kick right on his face now 😠.
But he's blackmailing me I should rather have this whatever they are up to instead of getting socially laughed on.

"Tasha" I said with a dead look.

"Tasha....." He asked me with his eyebrows raised, eyes looking up to me and a hand gesture as if asking for more.

I didn't protest anymore.

"Tasha Das"

"Tasha Das, is this you?" He showed me my profile on Facebook.
I nodded.

"Take out your phone Tasha, and accept my friend request"
If I do so he'd be able to look up to every crazy thing I ever shared, my totally stupid pics and what not.

Since I just looked up puzzled in front of him he tried to convince me again, "Come on do it, or I'll post our sweet memories on your timeline dear"

I can do it with him seeing my idiotic stuff than everybody seeing my most embarrassing moment.

So I took out my phone and accepted his friend request. His name is Neil Chauhan, as I looked into his profile I saw that he is a second year student of my college. He is rich I think with all those pictures of him with his cool cars and buildings. Is that Audi? Oh! I love that car.
And there are tons of his pictures with random girls I don't know. I recognize one though. She's the one who stopped me before (bad choice Mr.).

He seemed delighted by the look on his face a toothy grin and bright wide eyes. While I was going through his profile he was doing the same with mine. And maybe he found something stupid. Please please not the pig tails photo, not the pig tails photo. What? Don't judge me, we had a rule to wear pig tails at primary and that pic was one I posted as a throwback.

With a brilliant smile on his face he announced, "A big round of applause to Tasha because she's going to perform Zumba in front of us"
Everyone started hooting.
No, I completely forgot about that I took a few lessons back after the exam and might have even posted a video of me. We had a lot of free time and I wanted to learn something new.
Paid totally (sarcasm intended).

And this was how I ended up doing zumba on my first day of college.

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