Chapter Six: KIND OF SWEET

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I couldn't believe what I saw right in front of my eye. That stupid guy without causing any further trouble kept my bag on a chair in front of me and with a kind of fake smile said, " if you ever had any problem contact me" and just left.

I turned towards my right where a confused and mostly googly eyed Akriti stood staring at that stupid guy.
She seems more interested in him, isn't she?
I was about to speak to Akriti about what she thinks, when heard footsteps I turned, I saw a middle-aged man with white hairs partially displaying in his partition, walking towards us.
This justifies that stupid guy's actions. Good acting I might say, I was just inches away from believing it was a true gesture of help.

The middle-aged man asked us, "Are you girls alright?"
We just nodded.
"Fresher's right?"
"Yes, sir" Akriti said, because obviously as always I'm just dumbstruck with what to say.

"If any of your senior or anybody ever troubled you, you can register it to us at the office we'll look after the issue."
Said the man who I now consider one of the college officials. While this was going I was processing my thoughts on what was actually happening around.

Akriti was just going to open her mouth but I just denied to his inquiries saying that "Everybody here are good and we haven't had any of such circumstances but if we did, we would surely tell" with an innocent smile I stopped.

He too nodded and asked why were we there as the college time was over.

"We were just going, sir" said Akriti.
And so we moved out of the campus towards the bus stop.
Our walk towards the bus stop was filled with a shinning sun, trees dripping with water from the last night's rain, an almost weary road and lots and lots of questions.

"Why didn't you told him about the ragging" asked my curious little fellow Akriti.
I said, "If we would have told him there, it might result into some bad circumstances. Not immediately but, in the course of time surely. After all we have to stay here with these seniors for 3-4 years we can't take chance."

"But if we did it now, it might stop totally and they wouldn't ever think of doing it even in their dreams again." Said Akriti.

"I don't agree to this. What would the officials do? They might give them detentions or charge them but that's not going to stop these people. We have to do something on our own and that we will." I told her.

I didn't realized that by this time we were just a couple of steps away from the bus stop. I increased my pace as I was way tiered to stop here. I wanted to get back home as soon as possible.
Akriti matched my steps and we waited at the bus stop for our bus to arrive. I reached my bag took out my ear phones and plugged it to my phone and started listening to my years old playlist of songs made for every kind of time and circumstances. It did helped me into forgetting things. Well it worked a bit too well because I forgot to get into the bus. Akriti held me by my hand and literally pulled me inside, while the bus driver didn't gave a shit. The conductor gave us our tickets according to the stop we told and we payed our bills. We haven't got any seats though, so we have to journey through the ups and downs of the Indian roads standing in a bus. The bus was very noisy because most of its parts kept hitting each other and there were people who looked at us as if we were just a mere disturbance to their troublesome life which we made sure we were.
As soon as the conductor left, we started to laugh loudly enough to disturb the whole bus and Akriti kept imitating my shocked reaction several times. Maybe things do turn out good in the end.

It was Akriti's stop, she stepped down waved me a bye-bye!😘
I've started to like that chick. She is good to hangout with at least I've a companion now in my struggle called the college life.

My stop was the next one. This time I removed my ear phones making sure I don't make another mistake.

On the way the bus stopped at an unusual stop in front of a small lane (it's India people things stranger than that happens everyday). I was just staring the opposite side of the road where I saw a familiar face. That stupid guy was very happily giving a back ride to a girl maybe not more than 14 or 15 years and the smile on that girl's face was something to be cherished. She might be her younger sister or cousin maybe. Before I could see what happened next the bus took off and in a minute I was at my stop. I climbed down and walked towards my home. Walking through the road a little wet but fine to walk, covered with trees and the sun almost set, My mind had so many things to think and process about the college, the teachers, the seniors(oh, the nasty seniors), the canteen, my new friend, and so much more.

But, in my head I was thinking maybe that stupid guy is actually kind of cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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