Chapter Four : SENIORS

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After the horrible dance on a weird song, I was made to follow Them to some place I haven't seen yet. There I saw more people of my batch standing in an awkward position with their hands by the side of their bodies, palms facing forwards, both feet together. Oh wait I remember this from my class, that's the anatomical position. The only difference is their faces instead of looking up straight are facing downwards.

One after the other my fellow mates were speaking out their names and from where they were. I was made to stand with them in the exact same position looking down.

Neil asked one guy, "Hey you come here". The poor guy without looking up went in front of the seniors.
"My name is Aditya Jadhav, I'm from Chandrapur."

One of Neil's friend said," Tell us some joke".

Without a minute of hesitation he spoke, "Whenever I went to a marriage ceremony my Grandpas would pull my cheeks and say,"You are next" but I fixed this. Once when there was a funeral I went to one of the Grandpas and with one hand supporting his back I said,"You are next". It seemed as if he had prepared it well before.

Heard that one, but still it took a lot of strength to stop my inhuman laughter.
All the seniors went hysterical.

And this went on. One after the other people from my batch were going in front of them residing the same " My name is ....... And I'm from....." thing and the seniors would ask them to do something which they did without a doubt.

It was my turn now. I am scared as hell right now. I went in front of them in that crazy anatomical position looking downwards." My name is Tasha Das, and I'm from Nagpur", I said.

"This is the girl who kicked me ain't she?" I heard someone say. This is probably gonna end as a disaster.

"Is she?" I think Neil said.
"This is the Zumba girl" said another person.

"Well somebody should teach her how to behave if she has to survive through all the years of MBBS." As much as I remember this must be the first senior I met, the girl with the blemishes.

I still didn't have the guts to look up or speak anything. I saw a pair of feet coming towards me and from the footwear I can tell it is a girl.

She came closer and held rather pulled my hair and lifted my face from my chin. I was in pain but I couldn't do a thing they were so many and I was alone.

"Leave her" Neil said.
I can't tell you how much love is growing inside me for that stupid guy😍.

"Don't hurt her, we can just punish her by asking her to do some other stuffs for the rest of her life here" said that stupid guy with a monstrous laugh😠.
All that love went straight to hell.

To my rescue the bell rang and we were dismissed. But Neil came to me, and said "Meet me after the college" with a wink.

"No" were the last words that escaped my lips. (Don't worry I didn't die😜).
In the flood of students I was pulled by someone.

After being crushed in the crowd I could breath again. The hand that pulled me was still intact. When I looked up to see who was it. I saw Aakriti. She was completely tired and sweaty.

"I'm sorry" she said.

"Why?" I was confused.

"I'll tell you everything later, firstly we need to reach our Biochem lab"

This was the time when a sudden realization hit me. I've forgotten my bag in the canteen. We are already late for our class and we can't afford to go back and fetch my bag. What should I do?

We were almost running towards our lab when I told Aakriti about it.
She just said "We'll take it after the college ends". I didn't even looked her way, I was just following the crowd towards the lab.

" All our classes now onwards don't need any books we can manage with mine if necessary. Don't worry everything will be okay"

How could everything be okay?
First thing: I didn't have my proper sleep
Second thing: I didn't even had a proper lunch today
Third thing: I danced like a maniac

And you want me to perform well in my classes.

From this you might have understood that rest of my lectures and practicals were a definite sleepy lullabies to me.
I felt my body falling down and have to resist myself from shutting my eyes with the greatest strength I had. 😴😴

But in the interval between the two classes, Aakriti told me about why she was being sorry before.
She found out about this ragging thing a bit earlier than me. Though she could have been mum about it and saved herself from the torture. Still she choose to warn me. She came near the canteen looking for me so that both of us could be saved from all this crazy shitty stuff.

But to her disappointment and my stupidity I was trapped a little too early in the net. She even checked the auditorium and this is where she got caught.

And so was our story of getting all tired, frustrated,and angry. 😢😴

Well I'm still sleepy enough to leave my bag in that canteen and buy myself a new one later. But Aakriti doesn't likes the idea and we had to retrace our track to our ashamed selves.

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