Chapter Five: I LOVE FOOD

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On our way back to canteen I tried to relax and to be truthful I'm like that when things seem to go out of hand my mind tries to balance everything with something light like jokes and fun things.

And so I began to recall all the crazy moments from the ragging, oh! Sorry we don't call it ragging it's called as "ROUNDS".

I asked Aakriti, "Do you remember that act by the twin brothers when they were asked to do an add on diapers?"

"Oh yes that was so funny?" Aakriti said. "Where is my mommy?" She imitated them with those funny crying sounds.

I laughed. No matter even if those rounds were somewhere scary they were funny at the same time.

"Do you remember the classical dance by Madhvi?" Asked Aakriti.

Well I really don't remember the names but I remember the elegant dance with the perfect facial expressions and fine moments.
I was grateful that the seniors have loved it more than my stupid dance because this means that there are less chances of Them preferring me to entertain Them because of her being better than me.

"Yeah, she was just so elegant." I replied. Mentally making a note to remember the name. What was it Madhuri? Mandagni? Oh I can't, leave it!😑

With a sudden realization in her eyes Aakriti said,"I feel these rounds aren't half bad. Now that I review it wasn't all fear or frustration but a fine time to enjoy but a little restriction over the laughing thing". How can she say so? Haven't she felt terrible after seeing everybody so badly made to stand till they break their neck. And haven't she seen the fear in the eyes of the fellow students when they were called to do something out of imagination?

I admit that those were quite funny (okay a lot funny) but the way that senior girl pulled me and what I have experienced weren't the best moments of my life. She might not have been asked to do anything. As much as I remember she wasn't even called up for her introduction.

"Weren't you called for your introduction?" I asked curiously.

She replied,"You weren't there when they called me. You would have laughed out your lungs if you have seen what they asked me to do." A naughty smile stretched across her face.

With a genuine curiosity I asked, "What?"

"They asked me to act as if I'm having acidity and they made this other guy you were talking to as the doctor I was supposed to go to." I immediately assumed that guy to be Neil.

"How did you acted?" My curiosity grew to its limit.

"Well I.... burped and ....burped" she managed to speak in between her laughter, which made me laugh more than I intended to.

"When I reached Him, the doctor as scripted by other seniors was a flirt and tried to flirt with me but with my crazy situation" she laughed even louder,"he wasn't even able to correctly diagnose me".

Controlling her laughter and looking around, Aakriti made a confession,"I think I like him."

"No" the word slipped out of my mouth without a warning. Even though I was all crazy laughing but this new piece of information rose a sharp decline from me. I don't know what I was thinking. How could my newest friend like my newest enemy. That's not good.

"What? I don't love him. I just said I like him, don't judge he's hot."Aakriti tried to put her point. I still didn't like it. But it made me laugh again. And so did Aakriti to give me a company.

Around this time we had almost reached the canteen and our inhuman loud laughter was echoing everywhere. The whole college has been emptied.

When I looked around, the canteen was just getting closed as hungry as I'm (always), I went towards it to buy whatever pleased my eyes at the time. Aakriti watched me with confused eyes. She must think what a crazy girl I'm.

"What do we have?" I asked the canteen manager knowing well that not many things might be left after the end of the day.

With a big smile on his face he said, "There are a few pieces of sandwiches and burgers take whatever you please" he passed us a container with sandwiches and burgers. My eyes were now teary😍 food I love food😍.

I took a sandwich (okay I took two, whom am I lying to😒) and passed a burger to Aakriti. She denied completely. I was hurt so bad. How can someone reject food😠.

"I won't charge you anything take whatever pleases you", said the canteen manager. " I would have thrown them tomorrow eventually."

My heart felt as if pure hot chocolate is melting over it. God after such a bad day such a beautiful gift I can't believe this😢. Okay I'm being overly dramatic but food is love😍😜.

Aakriti eventually joined me and we sat at the nearest counter enjoying our meals. This was the dream to be broken again. I heard a whistle both of us turned towards the source of the sound.

I've totally forgot about my bag. Which now I found out in good care in the hands of Mr. Stupid guy.

He stood there leaning across a wall with a smirk on his face staring us with humor sparkling in his eyes.

"I knew you would come" he held the bag in my direction,"at least for this".

My poor bag it was in the hands of this stupid guy.

He started to walk towards us.
I'm not alone now. Aakriti is with me. He is one who is alone. My brain started to work over the different plans I can try to get back my bag and revenge in the same time.

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