CHAP. 2 (KyuMin)

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Kyuhyun was surprised when he saw Hyukjae and his boyfriend at the cafeteria. He felt really embarrassed to meet Sungmin after this morning; he didn't say a single world to him. He doesn't know how to apology to his bunny boyfriend. Kyuhyun became more panicked when that monkey took his Fishy Hyung from him as an excuse to buy something to eat. The truth is they want to leave him alone with Sungmin, to give some space to them so they can talk privately. Just both of them… Sungmin and Kyuhyun

The couple remains silent for nearly 15 minutes. They don't know how to interact. Who should break the silence first? While HyukHae couple just stare at them from the other table with bored expressions.

"When are they going to talk? It's almost time to go for next class!" Hyukjae growled.

"Yeah, it's almost 15 minutes-"

"18 minutes actually darling," Hyukjae interrupted his boyfriend.

"Yeah, 18 minutes and they are still not talking! It’s so irritating!!" with that said, Donghae growls even louder than Hyukjae just now, just to give a silent message to the couple so they would start talk to each other and resolve this situation quickly.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin notice what Donghae was trying to say. Finally, Kyuhyun give up and breaks the silence.

"Min Hyung?"

"Yes, Kyunnie?"

"I....I'm....s-sorry.", Kyuhyun said in a low voice while stuttering a little. Unfortunately, Sungmin can't hear anything except a whisper from his boyfriend, in his sweet voice.

"What? I'm sorry Kyu. Can you repeat? I couldn’t understand you, now." Sungmin asked his boyfriend politely to repeat what he just said.

Kyuhyun just sighed heavily but decided to do as told.

"I said, I'm sorry" Kyuhyun said, still in a low voice. But this time, Sungmin heard it loud and clear. Sungmin can't hold his smile and he went to sit next to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun just bowed his head a little, trying to hide his burning face. Suddenly, Kyuhyun felt a warm body. Sungmin is hugging him. Kyuhyun really love how Sungmin treats him every day. Every treat is really special. Just for him. That's why he is so in love with Sungmin. Soon, Kyuhyun feels a kiss on his forehead. Kyuhyun break their hugging and look up at Sungmin cute face. Sungmin really look handsome and cute with that blond hair and a smile on his face. His boyfriend looks perfect. Sungmin is perfect. He smiles back to his boyfriend. "So, am I forgiven?" Kyuhyun asked suddenly. Sungmin just nodded as a reply and kiss both of Kyuhyun's- now blushing- cheeks.

"I love you so much Kyuhyun." Sungmin said.

"I know! And I love you too Min Hyung. Forever." Kyuhyun replied and kissed Sungmin lips lightly. Sungmin just giggled at his boyfriend. Kyuhyun is so damn cute.


"Honey, I guess they are done."

"Yeah. So should we leave or go to them now?" Hyukjae questioned to Donghae.

"Should we give it later or now?" Donghae questioned him back.

"Fine, let just give them now." Hyukjae give up playing dumb with his boyfriend.

Hyukjae and Donghae went to the table, where KyuMin couple was sitting and sat opposite to that couple. The couple suddenly breaks their hug and give full attention to the HyukHae couple.

"Done?" Hyukjae asked the couple. Donghae just giggled while the couple in front of them was giving a death glare to them but they- that is Sungmin and Kyuhyun- thought it would be a waste of their precious time to argue with that Monkey Hyukjae. "Great!" Hyukjae cheered knowing the answer without any response from the couple.

"What you want Monkey?" Sungmin asked in an irritated tone.

"Aww… don't be so mean Hyung. I've helped you in settling your problem with this Cho Gamer Kyuhyun-"

"Ehem!!" Donghae gave a fake cough, interrupting Hyukjae.

"Of course, with my darling helping me!" Hyukjae said immediately while giggling.

"Straight to the point, please Monkey!" Kyuhyun said. He started to get pissed off.

"Oh, I just want to offer both of you 2 extra tickets." Hyukjae said while reached into his jeans pocket to show the couple those tickets.

"What ticket Hyung?" Kyuhyun asked curiously.

"Tickets to watch the movie. Wanna go?" Hyukjae said the couple.

KyuMin couple just looked at each other.

"Kyu baby, do you wanna go?" Sungmin asked his boyfriend in a soft and gentle voice. The voice he usually uses to talk to Kyuhyun is too different even when he talks to his cousin. His voice is firm and manly. Kyuhyun noticed that.

"I'm okay with it. It's free right? So, why not?" Kyuhyun cheer with a grin on his face. Sungmin couldn't help but giggled at Kyuhyun’s behavior. It's cute, isn't?

"Geez, what a stingy couple," Hyukjae said in a low voice but still the couple heard it. Donghae could not hold on his laughter so he burst into laughter while the couple just gives Hyukjae a death glare, ready to kill the Monkey any time if they have a chance.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" both Sungmin and Kyuhyun shouted at Hyukjae.

"I said, A STINGY COUPLE!!" Hyukjae repeat in a teasing tone.

"Yah, Hyuk-ah, if I'm stingy, I won't let you go easily when you borrowed all of my branded stuffs and I LOST MY FAVOURITE JEANS!! You want me-",

"Haish, arasseo!! I take back my words. You are really lovely, kind, cute and perfect. Everything about you is perfect. You are my only Hyung and the best cousin I ever had. Satisfied bunny?" Hyukjae continuously praised Sungmin. Donghae and Kyuhyun just muffle their laughter.

"Well that's my boyfriend!" Kyuhyun said proudly. "I will take these," Kyuhyun took the tickets from Hyukjae’s grip. "So, which movie are we going to watch? Wow, a romantic movie!! Great!" he continued.

"Where did you get the tickets from? I thought it was sold out, because this movie is quite famous in cinemas right now!" Sungmin said.

"Oh yes, this movie is the famous one at this moment. Actually, my parents bought it for themselves. But, they were too busy to spare some time to watch the movie. So, they gave it to me," Donghae explained in detail to them.

"But where did you get those extra tickets from?" Kyuhyun turned to asked his Hyung.

"I bought it too. I was planning to spend my time with Hyukjae, so bought it online. That's how I end up with four tickets in my hand." They just nodded in understanding. "Alright then, wait for us at the mall at 3 p.m. The movie will start at 4:30 p.m. We will have some times to take a look around at the mall. Okay?"

"OKAY!!" they answered together.

"Let's get back to the class. It's nearly time for next lessons. Kkajja!" Kyuhyun said after a glance at his Casio watch.

All of them headed back to their class. The new lesson was about to start.

From now, KyuMin problem had been solved.

They're going to watch the movie this evening. There is something that was waiting for them. I mean HyukHae. Wait for HyukHae scene.

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