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MAIN CHARACTERS' PARENTS (gender switch for their parents)




Scenario: Kyumin & Hyukhae’s Share Apartment, At Living Room:

"Cho Kyuhyun," Heechul, Kyuhyun's mum, called her son with his full name made Kyuhyun tensed up a little. Whenever his mum called him by his full name, that's mean he was in trouble. Well, he is in a trouble state right now. He felt really scared because he already waked up the 'Queen Devil'.

The others just stayed silent, no one dare to stick their legs in the conversation between the 'Queen Devil' and 'Prince Devil'. If they did, they know they are just digging their own grave.

"Y-yes, E-Eomma?", Kyuhyun stuttered, his head bowed. Not daring to face his mum.

"What happened to your neck my dear Cho Kyuhyun? Did someone 'attack' you?" Heechul asked. The others can see Heechul was smirking while asking her son. A scary smirk.

Hyukjae, who was sitting next to Sungmin, saw that his cousin was sweating. Sure Sungmin already did something to Kyuhyun last night, right??

'Oh, Sungmin Hyung, you dug your own grave. Poor you!' Hyukjae thought to himself.

"E-Eomma-" Kyuhyun was cut offed by his mum.

"Okay, that's it! Yah, Lee Sungmin!!" Heechul called out.

"N-ne, Ahjum-" Sungmin started in a shaky tone.

"Eomma" again, Heechul cut Sungmin’s words off.

"N-ne?" Sungmin was shocked. He thought that he has a hearing problem. Kyuhyun, Hyukjae and Donghae just stared at Heechul face. Did they misunderstand? But, their parents just broke into soft smiles. Heechul just want to tease her beloved son and his boyfriend. Duh, she is a Queen of Devil, remember?? Hankyung, her husband just chuckled, enjoying watching the teenagers shocked face.

"Just call me Eomma from now on. Okay? You going to get marry with my son as soon as possible!!" Heechul said. "You will marry my son, wouldn’t you?" Heechul continued with her threatening voice and glaring at Sungmin.

Sungmin was nervous and scared, till he felt that his throat was dryed. He gulped and cleared his throat. "Y-yes, I will marry Kyuhyun e-eomma," he said while gave an awkward smile to Heechul.

HanChul and YeWook broke into a happy smile after hearing Sungmin answer. Kyuhyun just kept his silence, not knowing what to say. He thought that his mum must be planning something out of the blue. Heechul is his mum, of course he knew his mum well.

Heechul felt like someone was staring at her curiously, she knew that her son must have caught something, so she just pull up a smirked.

"How about you two?" this time Yoochun asked his son.

"Well, Appa-"

"Okay, let's just set both couples wedding dates!!" this time it's Leeteuk who cuts off Hyukjae’s words. Their parents just nodded. Agreeing with Leeteuk’s sudden burst.

"Okay, next month, you guys will be get marry," Junsu suddenly announced.

"WHAT?!" both KyuMin and HyukHae couple shouted.

"Next month Eomma?" Donghae asked.

"Ne, waeyo Hae-ah?

"Isn't that too rushed?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Hahaha, aniyo baby Kyu. Before you and Donghae get pregnant, better get marry soon", Heechul statement made Kyuhyun and Donghae blushed madly.

"EOMMA!!/AHJUMMA!!" both of them yelled loudly and pouted cutely.

While Sungmin and Hyukjae could only sigh heavily. 'Stop being cute both of you!!' they thought to themselves.

KangTeuk, YooSu, YeWook and Hanchul just sniggered. Their sons and son-in-laws are really funny.

‘But...’ Heechul thought, ‘Seems like you two are always ready to 'attack' them, huh?’

"Chullie, why are you smirking?" Hankyung whispers at his beautiful wife.

Heechul looked at her lovely husband with a lovely stared and smile sweetly before replying, "Nothing Hannie."



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