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In KyuMin and HyukHae shared apartment, it was rather quiet since the couples were still sleeping soundly. They didn't bother to open their eyes to go and attend their classes because it's a holiday. No class, no blabbering teachers, no need to sleep in the class anymore while now they can sleep on their comfortable and soft beds with their lovers.

But this one guy...


Sungmin was sleeping soundly when suddenly he had to wake up because someone was shaking his body.

"Sungmin, wake up!! Wake up! Wake up!" Kyuhyun tried to wake Sungmin up with his cheerful voice and a sweet smiles on his beautiful face.

"Ugh, what it is Baby Kyu?" Sungmin asked, eyes still close as he tried to pull the blanket to cover his head.

"Wake up!! You need to wake up!! It's an important day!!" Kyuhyun said still shaking Sungmin's body.

"Huh? Important day? What day is today?" Sungmin finally opened his round eyes to see Kyuhyun's face, in confusion.

"Don't say that you don't remember what day is today. Seriously, you don't remember Sungmin?" Sungmin just shook his head, silently answering Kyuhyun's question.

"UGH!! Sungmin!!" Kyuhyun started to get pissed off with his boyfriend.


"I'm serious Lee Sungmin!!" Kyuhyun hissed.

"Me too, Lee Kyuhyun," Sungmin replied.

"Yah, don't change my surname!! We aren’t married yet!!" Kyuhyun said. He turned his head to see everywhere except looked at Sungmin's face. He tried to hide his blushing face but Sungmin could still see that because he was lying on their bed.

"But, we will get marry soon, right?" Sungmin said innocently.

"Still, you can't change my surname just like that!"

"Fine! I'm going back to sleep. Go back to sleep Baby Kyu, it's still early. Unless you want me to make you sleep," he said. 'Huh, why you need to wake me up at 6 in the morning?' Sungmin mumbled lowly.

"Yah, wake up! At least help me make some breakfast!!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"Later Baby. Come cuddle with me first," Sungmin pull his right hand asking for Kyuhyun to join him but suddenly he pouted and refused to join Sungmin.

"No, thanks Mr. Lee I will take a shower right now. Just go back to your dreamland!" Kyuhyun took his baby blue towel and went to the bathroom to take shower still with his cute pouty lips made Sungmin felt guilty. Sungmin can tell that his Kyuhyun was sad because Kyuhyun thought that Sungmin forgot his birthday. Damn!! No way will Sungmin forget his birthday. This is all because of HyukHae couple.


While Kyuhyun was sleeping in his and Sungmin share room, Sungmin was trying to finish his assignment, Donghae and Hyukjae were cuddling with each other at the living room.

"Sungmin Hyung," Hyukjae called Sungmin out.

"Hmm?" Sungmin hummed.

"Where's Kyuhyun?" Hyukjae asked.

"Sleeping," Sungmin just replied shortly to Hyukjae. He was really busy to even take a glance at the couple in front of him.

"You know that in a day or two it’s Kyu's birthday right?" Donghae asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Let's make a surprise for him!!" Hyukjae said.

"Huh? Surprise?" Sungmin now stop looking at his laptop, facing the duo Lee in front of him asking for them to continue.

"First, let's pretend to forget his birthday," Donghae said.

"What?! Are you crazy?! No way! I never forget his birthday before this!" Sungmin shouted.

"Shh, don't shout you bunny boy! You want to wake the 'baby devil up'? Listen to us first, would you?" Hyukjae said. Sungmin just nodded and leant on the couch and crossed his hands on his chest, tried to listen to them first.

"I said 'just pretend to forget his birthdate'. Don't you want to make a surprise for your beloved lover? This will make a great and memorable birthday ever for him. I'm pretty sure you want to make him happy on his birthday right?" Donghae said. While Hyukjae just nodded, agreeing with his boyfriend.

Yes, Donghae has a point there. He wants to make Kyuhyun happy on his birthday. Sure, he will do whatever just to see his Kyuhyun happy.

"Okay, now what I have to do?" Sungmin said finally agreed.

HyukHae couple was smiling ear to ear. They were very happy because Sungmin agreed to join them.


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