Chap. 6 (First Night)

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After KyuMin and HyukHae’s wedding ceremony at the fancy Hotel, they went to their respective hotel rooms that their parents had already booked for them, to get some rest. But the two ukes were too nervous to even have a bit of nap after the few hours they spent entertaining their guests.

While Sungmin was taking a bath, at their hotel room, Kyuhyun asked Sungmin, for permission to go and meet Donghae for a while. That’s when Sungmin knew his ‘wife’ was a little nervous. So, he gave his consent to Kyuhyun to go and meet with Donghae. After he got the green light from Sungmin, Kyuhyun immediately texted Donghae to meet his at the hotel’s dining area.

Now, here he was, in front of Donghae, playing with his fingers but not saying words, yet. They have been silent for five minutes now. He bet Hyukjae must be worried for him, since he was taking too long and making his hubby wait. Donghae decided to ask the maknae first.

“Kyuhyun, what’s wrong?”

“Ehm… Hyung I… How…?”

“Huh? Yah Maknae! What are you babbling about?” Donghae said. Just like Kyuhyun, Donghae was also nervous, to be honest. Even if they- that is Hyukjae and him- already sleep in one room, on the same bed, but they didn’t do anything more than kissing. Tonight, they will do ‘it’… and Donghae was worried.

“Hae Hyung, I am so nervous, right now. You know what will happen after the lights was out, right? I heard from some ukes that it will hurt a little even if we will like… you know what I mean, right?”

“Yeah, you are right. I too feel nervous. I thought after sleeping together in one room, also on one bed-”

“You forgot that we just sleep together, not do the ‘deed’,” Kyuhyun cut Donghae’s words off. He knew what his Hyung was going to tell him, anyways.

“Yeah, you are right,” Donghae admitted Kyuhyun’s words. He bowed his head, only staring at his smartphone. Then suddenly, he was shocked when his smartphone started to vibrate, and the phone’s light was lit, signaling that he receiving a call from his ‘husband’, Hyukjae.


“Hae?! Oh my goodness, darling where are you? Why are you taking too long? Gosh-”

“Hyuk…” Donghae called softly.

“- Sungmin your ‘wife’ is trying to kidnap my ‘wife’!!” Hyukjae kept blabbering.

“Hyuk…!” Donghae called him once again, a little louder.

“Hae darling, where is that maknae? I am gonna-” Still blabbering. -_-||

“Mr. LEE HYUKJAE!!” Donghae shouted.


“I am coming back to the room now! So stop blabbering for nothing, can you silly monkey?” With that Donghae cut off the call.


“I am coming back to the room now! So stop blabbering for nothing, can you silly monkey?”

Tutt… tutt… tutt…

Donghae had cut off his call??

Did my ‘wife’ just call ME silly monkey?



“Hyuk? What’s wrong? What did Donghae said?” Sungmin, who had been there from the moment Hyukjae called Donghae, shook Hyukjae’s body. After Sungmin came out from the bathroom, he couldn’t find Kyuhyun. He tried calling his but it seemed like Kyuhyun forgot to bring his smartphone. So, he decided to go to HyukHae’s room, only to found that Donghae wasn’t back to their room, as well. He suggested Hyukjae to call Donghae, only for things to end up like this… with Hyukjae too dumbfounded to talk.

‘What had happened, actually?’ Sungmin thought to himself.


“Is Sungmin there as well?” Kyuhyun asked. He had no doubts that Sungmin will be worried for him that is why he had asked for Hyukjae’s help.

“I don’t know,” Donghae stated.

“Hyung, can we just say that we are not ready to do ‘it’, yet?”

“I don’t know, Kyu. But, isn’t it too cruel to hold their desires to touch us? I mean, they already tried to control themselves not to touch us, even if we sleep together.” Donghae said, sometimes, he felt sorry for the Lee Duo. They have to prevent themselves from touching the ukes… poor semes… -_-|

“Yeah, you are right Hyung. Besides, they won’t hurt us, right? Let’s just ‘surrender’ to them,” Kyuhyun said as his final decision.

“Nah~ Let’s just go back to our rooms. They must be worried about us,” Donghae grabbed his smartphone and started making his way to his room with Kyuhyun beside him.

After, they reached HyukHae’s room; Donghae brought Kyuhyun with him, to his room. There Sungmin was waiting for him. Then on their way back, Sungmin and Kyuhyun remained silent. They didn’t know what was going through others brain.

When they entered the room, Kyuhyun immediately stormed onto the bathroom. Sungmin just stared dumbfound. But he decided to wait, patiently, for Kyuhyun to come to their bed.


The reason, why Kyuhyun stormed into the bathroom, was… he wanted to hide his blushing face. He felt really shy now. He don’t know what to do. What will happen to them after this? He couldn’t think straight. Thinking about what he will do with Sungmin, just made his face become redder like tomato. He tried to wash his face, to make his hot face disappear and trying to cool him down. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly for a few times. Then de decided to get out from there.

He opened the door slowly and popped his head first and saw Sungmin playing with his smartphone, while his head leaned on the headboard. Kyuhyun could feel his face blushing once again.

Author POV:

While Sungmin was playing with his smartphone, he heard the bathroom door being pulled open. He looked up, only to find his adorable ‘wife’, head bowed down. He saw that Kyuhyun’s cheeks were red. His ‘wife’ was being really cute with his pinky cheeks and Sungmin couldn’t help but giggle. He put down his phone on the nightstand and switched off the light, on his side, then called for his ‘wife’ to come near.

Kyuhyun became more flustered but did as he was told. He sat on the bed on the left side, with his back facing Sungmin, while he stared at the sliding window near their bed.

Sungmin got near Kyuhyun and back hugged him. He rested his chin on Kyuhyun’s right shoulder.

“Are you nervous or scared?” Sungmin whispered in Kyuhyun’s ear. Sungmin knew that Kyuhyun would be blushing madly, now, but thought it would be fun to tease his evil ‘wife’ while he got the chance.

“Both,” Kyuhyun muttered. Although it was near said in a whisper, still Sungmin heard his sweet voice.

“Don’t be. I promise I will not hurt you,” Sungmin said.

Kyuhyun turned his body to face Sungmin.

“Really? Does it hurt?” Kyuhyun asked innocently, showing Sungmin his rounded eyes like a kitten that was asking for a caress from its master. Sungmin laughed lightly. He cupped Kyuhyun’s chubby cheeks and kissed his forehead, then his eyelids, then moved to his pointed nose and both cheeks. Then he stopped kissing Kyuhyun, waiting for a green signal.

“Switch off the lights first,” Kyuhyun mumbled. Sungmin just smiled sweetly to Kyuhyun. He then kissed Kyuhyun’s plump lips and brought him into his arms. Then, he pushed Kyuhyun on their bed, lightly, and switched off the light from Kyuhyun’s side as well.

HyukHae’s Room:

After Sungmin and Kyuhyun left for their room, Donghae just sat staring at his ‘husband’.

“Hyukkie Honey? Gwenchanha? Are we going to sleep or not?” Donghae asked.

“Hae Darling, are you angry at me?” Instead of answering, Hyukjae asked back to Donghae.

“No, of course not. Why would I?”

“No, just now when I was calling you-”

“Forget about it. Let just sleep. I am tired already.” Donghae went to lie in the thick blanket he would be sharing with Hyukjae. While he was settling down on the bed, he didn’t saw that Hyukjae was smirking.

Hyukjae went near Donghae and stopped what him from lying down by holding his right arm. Donghae felt like his throat was dried. His heart beat was getting faster than normal.

‘Will I be able to walk tomorrow? Eomma, help me!!’ Donghae thought to himself.

“What are you think you are doing, Hae darling?” Hyukjae said in a threatening voice and a smirk on his face.



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