CHAP. 3 (HyukHae)

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"MIANHAEYO," Hyukjae and Sungmin said simultaneously.

Hyukjae and Sungmin have a little tussle with their boyfriends. But now as they tried to ask for their forgiveness, their boyfriends just give them a sweet death glare. Feeling absolutely annoyed with them.  For almost 10 minutes they tried to coax their boyfriends but still failed miserably.

What happened you ask?? Well...

Hyukjae and Sungmin fell asleep while watching the movie.  The movie was too boring for them, so, naturally they fell asleep in the middle of watching the movie. After the movie ended, Donghae and Kyuhyun found their boyfriends were already in dreamland. Donghae and Kyuhyun made a plan to torment them a little. So they pretended to be angry with their boyfriends. Donghae and Kyuhyun didn't like the movie as well, in all honesty. But Donghae and Kyuhyun still gave them a death glare while pouting their lips. Hyukjae and Sungmin didn't dare to look at them, too scared even to lift up their heads.

"Huh~~ Fine!! Let's just forget it. Anyway, the movie was kind of boring. I didn't pay much attention to that movie as well. I was about to sleep too just now!!" Kyuhyun finally admitted with a dramatic sigh.

"Yeah, you're totally right Kyu! I have no idea why the movie is so popular right now!! I didn't like the movie!! I don't even understand their story line, in fact," Donghae said agreeing with his dongsaeng words. Hyukjae and Sungmin, who had been listened to their boyfriend’s words, felt relieved.  But, that feeling doesn't last longer because...

"That doesn't mean that we forgive both of you!! ", Donghae and Kyuhyun said stimulataneously to them while still using their sweet glare plus with their adorable, kissable pouty plump lips. They still didn't have any courage to look at their boyfriend face, while Donghae and Kyuhyun tried so hard to hold their laughter. Their face turned to red because of that. Suddenly, an idea popped in Kyuhyun's genius brain while Donghae knew that the magnae have something in his brain, because he can see a bright bulb above his head (?).

"If you want us to forgive you..." Kyuhyun said. Hyukjae and Sungmin immediately lifted their head to face both Donghae and Kyuhyun, while waiting for the maknae to continue his words. "Why don't you treat us with a dinner?" he continued. 

"You're right! Watching that bored movie made me hungry already!!" Donghae said while touching his belly.

Hyukjae and Sungmin need to digest the words first. Then they stared at each other. 'My pocket money!!' That's what shows on their faces.
If their boyfriend asked for a treat, that doesn't mean that they need a small amount of money.  Sometimes their boyfriends acted like food monsters.

"Huh~~", they sighed stimulataneously. Donghae and Kyuhyun just stared at them with a flat face and not to mention still pouting.
They still can saw their boyfriend pout from the corner of their eyes. 'Stop pouting!!! HAISH!!! '. So, they decided to just agreed with them.

"Arasseo!!". When they looked at their boyfriend, they can see their boyfriend expressions were lightened up.  They were smiling ear to ear. Hyukjae and Sungmin felt relieved because their boyfriends we’re not sulking anymore and no more pouty lips!! Donghae and Kyuhyun also happy because their lovely boyfriend always spoils them too much filled their hearts with love every day and every second.  That's why they are so in love with them.  Always and never ends.


While they were in the middle of having a dinner together at the classy restaurant (Donghae and Kyuhyun felt guilty to their boyfriends for need to treat them a dinner at a fancy restaurant, so they decided to eat at classy restaurant)
someone or should we say a girl approached their dinner table.

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