Josh: What state do you live in?
Oliver: Why?
Josh: I want to know so maybe one day we can meet.
Oliver: Ohio, You?
Josh: Really? I live in Ohio too. Do you want to meet at a coffee shop or something, like Starbucks?
Oliver: Yeah sure, let me get ready.
I patiently was waiting for Oliver to show up.
20 minutes have passed.
Josh: Where are You?
Read 10:32 AM
"Im just gonna leave." I said to Tyler, over the phone.
"Why? Are you gonna leave Starbucks to get drunk again?" I hung up. I was losing Tyler and Oliver at the same time.
AN/ hey I'm sorry for having my chapters really short, but if I keep them short it's easier for me to update so yeah. But I already have 40 reads and I just started?? I know its not a lot but thank you.