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A/N: so I'm placing myself in here as Lia Michaels. It's not my real name anyways. Percy will only become best friends with Percy. I have a plan for her. Alright enjoy!
Tony POV
The screams are consistent every night. The whimpers and groans. The blood on his carpet and all over his shirt. I stood in the kitchen when Clint ran in with a worried look.
"Tony! Mamma's home!" He said. My eyes widened. 'Mamma' was Lia Michaels. She is probably the same age as Percy. She was an agent of Shield but she is not part of Coulson's group. The Avengers gathered around the elevator. She was or is our 'babysitter'. I gulped. Percy just woke up and is staring at us funnily. Blood drenched him head to toe and it seemed like he was wincing every time he moved. He had ace bandeges. The only Avenger not with the group was Bucky, not technicaly an Avenger, who was helping Percy take his shirt off and stitching him up. Percy wrapped the bandeges around his chest and threw away his shirt. The elevator dinged and Lia walked through. She had caramel hair and green eyes. Percy didn't pay a lick to her seeing as he was trying to get to the couch, waving off Bucky in the process. Lia noticed and raised her eyebrows. Percy stopped walking or limping.
"I suppose I will go back to my room.  And clean up all my blood. Hey Tony, call me when the pizza's here." Percy mummbled before passing out. Bucky quickly caught him and took him to his room. When Bucky came back, he swept Lia up in a whirling hug. 
"Good to see you to Buck! Hey who was that guy that passed out?" She asked once Bucky set her down.
"My nephew. It's good to see you Lia. Back from your mission in one piece." I said. She smiled. Before she could respond, a scream cut through the air. Lia made a move to check it out but I stopped her.
"Don't. Jarvis, make sure that Percy is okay and take him to the gym. Steve will be there soon." I told my AI
"Yes sir." Jarvis responded.

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