Thirty: The Final Battle

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Percy POV
I stood infront of the primordeal. Tartarus laughed. I scowled.
"Ready to die little one?" He asked.
"Bring it on." I said. But just as last time, I couldn't fight him.
He grabbed me by mu shoulders and threw me down.
"You and your petty girlfriend walked out of my home safely. You bever should have. You don't deserve to live." He said. Over and over again, he kicked me and threw me into the ground. The camp watched in horror as the last Hero of Olympus, who beat a titan and primordeal, was getting defeated. Knowing that what I was about to do was stupid, I did it anyways.
"No matter what you use against me, I will not back down. These campers had nothing to do with anything. They are innocent. It's not anyones fault that Gaea chose to be evil and rise up! We had no choice! The world would have ended and so would you! She said she would save you, that wasn't true! But taking revenge is not the best way to deal with greif! I know this Tartarus! Believe me!" I shouted, pulling my self up to stand.
"You think it's about revenge?" He asked amused.
"I don't care what you think it is! I will not give up untill I die!" I yelled. A surge of power ran through my body. I raised my hands up and a massive tidalwave came crashing down on Tartarus. I swam up to him and plunged Riptide into his stomach and twisted the sword.
"That's for Annabeth." I whispered to the primordeal. I yanked Riptide out and put the water back. All the mosters were dust and Tartarus was no more. I turned to the camp and everyone cheered. The gods came down to congradulate me.
"A deal is a deal Zeus." I said. I looked back at the camp.
"Good bye everyone! Take care. See you in Elysium!" I walked out of the camp and to my mom's apartment, without looking back.

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