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Clint POV
The red headed girl at the table bagan to speak.
"The last of the seven heroes
The broken one knows
A battle must be given
Based on the answer he chose
To keep fate from fading
He must face his fears
Choosing which are worth saving
In the end only one side will stand
Upon the bloodied land."
Percy stared at the table.
"Percy you aren't really broken are you?" A girl with brown hair asked.
"Malcom, I need you to consult with your cabin for a plan. All archers, work with Clint to get stronger. Healers will work with Bruce. All sword fighters will work with me. All daggar or knife users will work with Lia. The rest will work with Steve and Natasha for hand to hand combat. Hepheastus kids will work with Tony on improving defense tools. Travis and Connor, you and your cabin will work with Tony as well. Thor will consult Odin for advice. Malcom, when you have finished, see me, Rachel, Chiron, and Mr. D in the here after dinner. For right now Rachel try and contact Thalia." Percy said, clearly avoiding the question asked.
"Since you're back, we will win right?" On kid asked.
"I don't know Travis. I don't know." Percy said getting up. Percy pointed us all out so the campers knew who they were working with.

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