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Guys. Look at the number at the top of my picture. I was sorting through my mail. That is how many Wattpad emails I have recieved. Love you guys!!
Chiron POV
A group of nine people came over the boarders. As they got closer I saw the face of my old student. Percy Jackson had returned and was limping down the hill. I saw Will run up to the boy and say something. Percy scowled but continued moving. As he got closer to the Big House, his face broke out into a small smile.
"Chiron. Gods I missed you." He said quietly.
"And I you my boy. What brings you back?" I said. His face contorted.
"That's something that we need to discuss with the cabin leaders." He said. I nodded and we all walked into the Big House.
Natasha POV
We sat around a ping pong table. There were twelve kids along with the team and Percy.
"Okay. So heres the thing. I don't know if Rachel has had another prophecy but earlier I was attacked by Tartarus. If he is strong enough to come up and attack, then he is preparing for a war." Percy began.
"Actually Rachel did have another prophecy." A boy with blonde hair and grey eyes piped up. I noticed that Percy wouldn't look at him.
"Well, what was it?" Percy asked still avoiding eye contact.

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