Respect My Happiness Part 2

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This chapter will be short

" Oh' lawd' " DeAndre tried his best to say in Bernie Mac voice and everyone laughed.

" Ok everyone if you not 18 get inside the house, Savannah help me get the little ones inside the house " Camilla said.

" You ain't gotta' tell me twice " Savannah said while Trey handed Carmen over.

It took some time but once Camilla and Savannah rushed back outside through the back doors of the living room leading to the backyard Lance was already charging at Keith and Cierra jumped in the way

" Dad no, don't you dare, leave him alone " Cierra said.

" Why should I, we just gon' forget about what he did C " Lance nearly yelled again.

" I wish I had some popcorn " DeAndre said.

Camryn and Trey covered their mouths from laughing but everyone still watched the heavy personal drama unfolding

" I brought fruit snacks " Sonjae said pulling out 4 and gave one to DeAndre, Trey and Camryn.

" Mr. Sarcano I'm sorry about what I did to your daughter but I'm I'm a different person now " Keith said.

" People can change for the better
dad " Camryn said.

" Fuck that " Lance said grabbing Keith by his neck choking him also raising his body and forcing Cierra to move out the damn way and let Keith get his.

" Dad stop it " Cierra said kicking him in the leg and Lance eyes widened at his daughter and he dropped Keith.

" Did you just " Lance said finna' jack Cierra up but Camryn and Camilla protected Cierra shielding her away from Lance.

Keith let himself up

" Fuck this " Keith said storming away towards the wood fence.

" Keith wait " Cierra yelled running after him and they just left everyone there.

" Show over " DeAndre said.

Trey chuckled along with everyone else

Except for Lance, Camilla and Camryn but they all heard a car and truck drive off and Cierra came back pissed off

" YOU SON OF A BITCH " Cierra yelled and everybody gasped with a widened mouth.

" Oh' shit " Sonjae and DeAndre said at the same time.

" Damn " Trey mumbled covering his mouth in shock.

Lance turned around facing his daughter

" What did you just say " Lance said.

Cierra began to break down with tears rolling down her cheeks from her eye lids

" How could you do that, he was gonna' apologize and explain everything to you and how much he changed and ask you for the blessing becoming my husband again but you just straight attacked him because of the past bullshit, why can't you just fucking Respect My Happiness, you let Camryn be happy with Trey but I can't be happy with the only man I ever loved too, fuck you dad " Cierra said walking away to get her daughters then call Keith back to pick them up and head home.

Everybody was still left there in shock

Keith just drove over the speed limit ready to raise hell anywhere he could just to relieve his stress but he missed a red light and a car came outta' no where crashing into him from the left and the range rover swerved in circles and began to flip

Several minutes later

A old lady was panicking crying her eyes out

" I didn't see him, I swear didn't see him " She said and Keith crawled out a window coughing up blood and everybody around him that seen the crash got out their cars but rushed towards his body and helped him out.
Someone pulled out their phone and called a ambulance while Keith blacked out

To Be Continued

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