Respect My Happiness Part 3

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Life & Love update is next

Enjoy 😘

Someone pulled out their phone and called a ambulance while Keith blacked  out

Cierra Pov

" I just paced back and forth in the driveway of my parents house calling Keith phone but he won't answer "

" I left CeCe and Chel to hang out inside at least until Keith comes back, I hope he's ok and if he is my dad will apologize to him and for the first time since what happened hive him a chance "

" Camryn came running towards me but by herself, shit I'm a little surprised to see her without Trey for once "

" Not now Cam " Cierra said.

" Yes now C, are you fucking crazy, how could you talk to dad like that " Cierra said.

" Fuck what I said to dad, what about what he said to my fiancé, shit he's lucky that's all I said, he deserved it " Cierra said.

" Cierra two wrongs don't make a wright " Camryn said.

" No but three lefts do damnit' " Cierra said.

" You have to apologize " Camryn said.

" Hell no, Camryn you have lost your mind " Cierra said.

" Cierra if you don't dad is gonna' hold it against you " Camryn said.

" I don't fucking care, all he had to do was Respect My Happiness but he decided to show his ass so I did as well, what " Cierra said.

Camryn was finna' reply until she was nearly shoved out the way and Camilla slapped Cierra causing her to stumble

Trey came out out of breathe behind her

" I tried to stop her, she's fast " Trey said.

" HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY " Camilla yelled while Cierra picking herself up finna' slap her back but Camryn ran towards her holding her back shaking her head meaning no.

" Don't do it " Camryn said.

" Naw' Cam move out the way, she wanna' be stupid and hit me then let her " Camilla said.

Trey ran towards them

" Everybody just calm down " Trey said.

" Fuck all of you, especially you mom, you and dad both never Respect My Happiness but you respect Camryn's, favoritism showing muthafuck.." Cierra was cut off by Camilla loosing it charging at her daughter and Trey held her back to keep her from moving.

" Oooooh' I swear foh' god you better be glad he's holding me back, ain't nobody showing favoritism, Trey ain't the one that raped Camryn then lied on her about it, that was Keith not Trey so excuse us if he's no longer welcome here " Camilla said.

" Well you know what mom, if he's not welcome then I'm not welcome, it was nice knowing you " Cierra said walking off to get her daughters but her cellphone went off and and she panicked pulling it out her pocket and answered when she saw who was calling.

Cierra: " Oh' my god, Keith are you ok, I'm so sorry about what happened, where are you, come get us and you won't have to worry about coming...what...what the hell..he's where...oh' my god is he ok...WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW..YOU'LL BETTER FUCKING SAVE HIM OR I'M GONNA' SUE THE FUCK OUTTA' YOU'LL, I'm on my
way "

Cierra hung up

" The fuck happened now " Camilla said.

" Nothing of your concern, this is all you and dad's fault, now because of you my fiancé is fighting for his fucking life, this wouldn't be happening if you'll would've just respected my happiness but no you'll decided to push the only man I ever loved away over a dumb mistake he made years ago, FUCKING LET IT GO, now if you'll excuse me I have to go get my daughters and we're catching a bus to North Cross Hospital "Cierra said walking off but Camryn grabbed her arm.

" What are you talking about " Camryn said.

" Keith got into a car crash and their currently trying to save him " Cierra said finally starting to cry collapsing in Camryn arms and Camryn comforted her after she gasped in shock.

" You don't have to take a bus, I'll take you, just me and you, Trey baby can you meet me at home later " Camryn said.

" How I'm supposed to meet you at home and you takin' the car " Trey said pulling the keys out his pocket.

" Catch a ride with Sonjae and DeAndre " Camryn said taking the keys.

" Aight' fine but he safe " Trey said.

" I will and kiss Carmen for me, come on C let's go " Camryn said walking off towards her and Trey all black range rover.


Camryn and Cierra ran inside the hospital and Cierra ran ahead towards the front desk

" Keith Jones, where is he " Cierra said.

" Still in surgery, have a seat Someone will be with you'll in due time " She said on the phone.

" I didn't ask you that, I know he in surgery bitch, I asked you where he is so tell me that why don't yah' " Cierra said.

" Cierra chill out " Camryn said next to her.

The lady behind the desk stood up

" Have a seat Ma'am " She said giving Cierra a attitude.

Cierra lost it slapping her knocking her directly on the floor

Camryn was shocked


" Cierra Jesus christ stop it " Camryn said pulling her back and they walked towards the waiting room while the lady behind the desk who also happens to be a nurse was picking herself up holding her right cheek un pain and tears slid from her eyes.

" Cierra you didn't have to do that, you gave her a attitude first, I understand your upset and scared but your taking it out on the wrong people " Camryn said getting up digging inside her purse pulling out a container of baby wipes and handed it the lady behind the desk.

" On the behalf of my sister I'm so sorry about that " Camryn said.

" Ok " The lady behind the desk said.

Camryn just put the container away and walked away to sit back down next to her big sister who is now crying covering her face with her hands with her elbows sitting on her thighs

Camryn pulled her in a side hug

" Congratulations on your engagement, I'm happy if your happy, I hope you and Keith do something different and do wright this time " Camryn said comforting her sister but Camryn just told Cierra something she needed to hear wright now.

" Thank you Cam and I'm sorry when I said fuck all of you, I didn't mean that " Cierra said.

" I know, it's ok just try to breathe and calm down, everything is going to be ok " Camryn said.

" You promise " Cierra said.

" I promise " Camryn said.

Will everything be ok?

Find out in next chapter

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