Chapter Two: Soccer

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Chapter Two

Diana's P.O.V. 2009

         When I finally get home, the milk shake is downed along with a medium fry that my mother picked up for me at the local McDonald's. I told her I didn't want them but she bought them for me anyway. I couldn't find it in me to let them waste away along with her money, so I ate them. Now, I feel uncomfortably full. 

          Swinging open the door, I drag my bag into the old house. The tile floor is cold beneath my bare feet. This is the first thing I do whenever I come home; rid myself of shoes. It is so much more comfortable than wearing those tight and annoying uniform shoes. The bag slides across the floor as I head into my bedroom.

          My bedroom walls are a bright pink, my favorite color. It feels good to be in my room. Here, there is no one to say anything about my appearance. Ridding myself of a shirt, I tug on my flower print tank top and neon pink shorts. I smile at my reflection in the mirror. I don't really understand what the kids are saying. Sure, I'm a little chubby. But, I'm not fat am I?

          Running my hands over my stomach, I shrug it off. Personality matters the most, anyway. That's what my parents always say. Those kids don't even know me. I won't let their stupid remarks get to me. I am a cool person and funny, too. Isn't that all that matters?

          Content, I grab my soccer ball and head outside. The sun is warm against my skin and I absorb the rays for a moment before heading over to the neighbor's house. My neighbors are a Hispanic family that recently moved here from Mexico. They have been living here for about six months.

          Knocking on their door, I smile when Luis is the one to open it. I've had a crush on him since the first day they moved in. He's in eighth grade and really cute. He's tall and has dark skin and pretty white teeth. But, what sticks out most about him is his personality. He's really funny and he is one of the few people that really know how to make me laugh.

          "Hey, Diana." He speaks, showing his pearly whites as he leans against the door frame.  "Did you want to play soccer?" He suggests motioning to the ball in my arms. I nod with a grin and he holds up the 'one second' finger before shouting to his mother in Spanish. I pick up on a few words, not really understanding the majority of their conversation but I don't mind. Luis has been trying to teach me Spanish. I just need a little more practice.

          "Alright, let's play!" He smiles. He immediately takes off, sprinting to my house. I run after him, excited for a new game.

           Sooner than I know, the score is 9-9. Whoever scores this last goal would win the match and get the ultimate bragging rights. Of course, I have to win. "You're going down, Hernandez!" I shout while laughing. Luis just shakes his head and scoffs.

          "No, you are Caldwell!" He threatens with a playful smirk on his lips.

          Then, he's off with the ball between his feet. Quickly, I lurch towards him and steal the ball away. Euphoric, I head down my yard, nearing the two poles we set up as goal posts. I am so close, I know I can make it. Certain of my victory, I rear back my right leg preparing for the shot. Apparently, Luis has different plans. 

           He comes crashing into me, taking me down to the ground. All the air is knocked out of my lungs and I gasp, searching for any bit of oxygen. Thankfully, I find air and my breathing returns to normal. For some reason though, I begin laughing my head off. Luis joins in. Standing up, he offers his hand out to me for me to take. Gladly, I accept. 

            As soon as I'm back on my feet, a voice calls out my name. Turning my head, I see Howard. He is one of the neighborhood kids from down the street. I'm not very fond of him. He is a jerk and seems to be proud of it. "What do you want, Howard?" I ask, brushing the dirt off my shirt. 

          "Oh nothing, just noticed you out here. Trying to get rid of all that fat are ya?" A devilish grin spreads on his face. 

            "Shut up, she's not fat!" Luis defends me. 

          Howard just cackles. "Okay, say that when she loses about forty more pounds!" 

          I feel my heart break. I know that I can't show Howard how he affects me. However, it is kind of hard to do when tears are pricking at my eyes. Without saying another word, I take my soccer ball and race back inside. I don't stop running until I get to my bed. That's when I let the tears flow. I can't remember how many times I have been ridiculed because of my weight. It hurts so much and I'm tired of it. 


          "So, how was school today?" My father asks shoveling potatoes into his mouth.

          Terrible. I don't tell him this, though. Instead, I just shrug and give him a bland, "Good". Just like my mother, this works for him. My mom sits across the table, helping my little brother eat his corn that's scattered all over his plate. Drake is six-years-old but when it comes to vegetables he acts like he's three. He hates his vegetables. Trying to help my mother, I take a bite of my cauliflower.

          "See, Drake. I like cauliflower!" I announce, putting another forkful in my mouth.

          Inquisitively, he cocks an eyebrow and sighs.

          "Well, of course you do Diana. You're fat. You'll eat anything."

          Shocked, I expect my parents to get onto him and to tell the little boy that it's rude to call people overweight. They do the complete opposite. They start laughing.

           "Isn't he so cute?" Mom gushes.

          My mouth drops open in surprise. Are they being serious?

           "Mom, he just called me fat! Aren't you gonna' do something?" I ask.

         "Don't be silly, Diana! He's just a little boy! He simply says what he thinks!"

         "After all, it was funny!" My dad interjects.

         They both keep laughing like crazy and oohing over the six-year-old. They may think it's funny, but I don't. 

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