Chapter Twenty-Seven: Messages

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Diana's P.O.V. 2012

      My breath hitches. My mouth goes dry as I read his tweet over and over. Out of all the messages he finds me. I watch his tweet get thousands of likes and re-tweets. My notifications go crazy. One new follower, ten, one hundred. When did my reality become one's imagination? This is absolutely crazy. Just because Zayn talked to me, they all want to follow. My private messages notification goes off and I click on it.

New Message from zaynmalik1d: Hey love, I figured this would be more private x

      Private? Was there even such thing as private for a world famous boy band member? As far as I knew, some crazy fans could be hacked into his account reading every single message we sent each other. Although it is highly unlikely it is still a possibility.

New Message from zaynmalik1d: You still there, beautiful?

       I exhale loudly and begin typing.

DianaC97: I'm not beautiful. Yes, I'm here.

      It doesn't take him long to reply. Maybe he actually does have some free time.

New Message from zaynmalik1d: You are! Good:) Now, what did you mean when you said you did bad things? You're 14 correct? How bad could it be?

      I really don't want to answer his question. He doesn't really want to know. He's probably just doing this to get more publicity as a kind-hearted celebrity who wants to help broken girls. That has to be it. No one takes interest in me. When they do, it's because they're too focused on my ugly face and bloated body.

DianaC97: You don't want to know. Trust me, and I'm 15. If I'm just some charity case you can leave. Really, why do you even care about me?

New Message from zaynmalik1d: I do want to know. That's why I'm asking. It can't be that bad, Diana.

DianaC97: Really, I'm not worth the struggle of talking to. You'd be better off if you just forgot about me.

New Message from zaynmalik1d: How can you treat yourself like you're nothing? You're so much more than that.

DianaC97:That's the thing, I am worthless.

      He doesn't reply after that and it's beneficial to me. The class bell rings, signaling it's initiation. I put my phone back into my backpack and zip it up. I don't need a distraction. I will not let myself think about a guy who doesn't even know me. Even if he did, he'd leave in the end. Just like everyone else. If I break anymore, it will surely kill me.


      For once, the school day flies by. I don't complain. It means the summer is only three more days away. Then, I'll be out of this hellhole and on to a different high school. Surely, my past cannot follow me there. I stare out my mother's dirty truck window. The sun beats down, warming my skin, even through the window. That's the one negative thing about Florida. It is always hot out. We were lucky to get a cool winter this year. Usually Christmas is spent in shorts and tank tops.

      "How was school today?" Mom interrupts my thoughts.

       "It was okay," I lie.

Diana (Z.M.)Where stories live. Discover now