Chapter Forty: Genesis

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Chapter Forty

Zayn's P.O.V. 2015

      "So what do you think you're going to do now that you're out of the band?" Diana questions, stirring the ice in her glass of tea. She looks at me beneath her thick, dark lashes. She's blossomed these last few years into a young woman and I'm glad to have watched her grow. I guess she did the same with me. 

      She's 18 now and I've just turned 22 a few months ago. For her that means graduating high school, preparing for her first year of University, and still learning to fully cope with her past. For me, that means moving on to trying new things and leaving One Direction. 

      The fans so far didn't seem too crazy but I can't blame them. I mean, Diana wasn't excited about it but she understood the amount of pressure I felt to stay in the band. She, more than anyone I would say, understood my depression I went through the last few months. She seemed to be the only one to be fully supportive of my decision; besides my mum of course. The boys weren't happy and I honestly don't think they fully saw it coming. Neither did I. But then Diana told me that my happiness and well-being is more important than anything else: something I told her years before. 

      "I think I'm just going to relax for a bit; be normal. It's been ages since I've actually gone to the cinema with friends." 

      She smiles, her straw in-between her teeth. I grin in return. Yeah, that sounded like a fantastic  plan. "That sounds, amazing. Just be sure it's kind of secluded. Just because you're out of the band doesn't mean you're suddenly not famous anymore." She makes a valid point. I nod, taking a sip of my Coke. 

      "But that's enough about me. What about you? The last time we actually met up was nearly a year ago. What's new?" She laughs and flashes her beautiful smile, shrugging her shoulders. 

      "Nothing really. I'm graduating in June and then going to take a semester off to get some funds together for school. I've been writing some more." Her voice lowers at this point and I smile. She always gets insecure when she talks about her writing, but she shouldn't.

       "What's this one about?" I ask, taking a bite of my muffin. 

      She blushes slightly and leans forward on her elbows. "Well, I'm thinking about telling my story." I listen intently for more and when I don't respond she adds on. "I know, it seems kind of self focused doesn't it?" I roll my eyes and reach out, taking her hands in mine. 

      "Di, you are the last person to be called self focused. I like the idea. I think it's a story people need to hear." She nods fervently.

      "Exactly! That's what I was thinking. I felt so alone back then and I didn't really feel like I had anyone to turn to." Her smile falls a bit but returns to her face quickly. "Then you came in and encouraged me to get help. I want to be that person for other people. There are other girls out there who are feeling like I did and want nothing more than to die. I want to change that." 

      Every time she speaks, her eyes light up with passion. A grin comes to my face as I listen to her talk. She's so far from where she was years ago. She was so passive about everything and didn't care for anything; even her own life. Now, she's a bright young lady with goals and a desire to live everyday like her last. She took her negativity and is thinking about putting it towards good for other people. 

      "I'm so proud of you, Diana. I know I've said that before but I really am." She smiles and grips onto my hand tighter. 

      "You know what, I'm proud of you, too. It took a lot for you to leave when you weren't happy." I nod in agreement. It was hard and I know it's still going to be with a lot of unhappy fans and relentless press. It's going to be difficult, I know. I'll be okay, though. I've got my family and I've got Diana. 

      It's funny how situations change so fast.

      "This is just the beginning for both of us, you know." She adds. I nod in understanding. She is right. This is a whole different thing for me. For the past five years I've lived with the boys and traveled the world with them. They became my brothers and now I'm going to be on my own. Things will change for Diana. She'll be away from home and have the opportunity to make a life of her own. 

       "Are you excited?" I ask. She exhales loudly.

       "Yes, but honestly, I'm terrified. I've never been on my own. It's going to be really different." 

      "But you'll do great, Diana. You're smart, and kind, and strong. You'll be the best there is. I know it." I'm interrupted by my phone going off. I look down and turn off the reminder. I needed to leave soon if I wanted to get to the airport in time. 

      Diana smiles sadly. "I guess that's your cue to go, then." She jokes. I nod in silence. I didn't want to leave her but it was time for me to go back home. Somewhere I haven't been in a long time. She stands and looks up at me, sadness in her eyes. She opens her mouth to say something but I stop her. I envelope her in my arms and hold her tight against my chest. She returns the hug, clinging to me in a vice grip.

      "I'm going to miss you, Diana." 

      She sniffs, holding back tears. "I'm going to miss you, too. But," she pulls away, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand. "You need to see your family more." I nod in agreement, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 

      "Don't worry, love. I'll be seeing you, soon. Just because I'm leaving for a break doesn't mean I'm leaving you."

      She smiles; tears brimming in her eyes. 

      "I'm holding you to that pop-star." 

      I smile, feeling the tears form at the back of my eyes and hug her tightly, again. This time I stoop down to her level and kiss her temple. "I love you, Diana." 

      "I love you too, Zayn. Don't forget that." 

      Laughing, I release her from my hold. 

      "I could never forget you, Diana." 

      She smiles and we gather our things. I hold the door open for her and she steps out onto the pavement. She smiles at me for the umpteenth time, but I don't mind. "I'll see you, Zayn." I return with a small wave and watch as she turns on her heel and heads the other direction. She turns at the corner and I sigh as she disappears from my sight. 

      My mobile goes off again, signaling that it really is time to go. I exhale, shoving the device back into my pocket, a sense of melancholy and excitement washing over me. Diana would be okay. She is no longer that broken young girl I met years ago. She's strong and better now. I adjust my bag and make my way down the street once more. 

      She says that I saved her life.  But honestly, she saved mine.     


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