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I'm going to miss this country so much. I grew up here and lived 50 percent of my life here. I miss all the foods, culture and other shit but mostly my friends.
I sighed as I rolled my luggage into the plane and set it up on top of my seat.
I sat down and sighed while looking outside the plane's window. There wasn't much in this country but as soon as you step into the country you felt at home. They treat you with hospitality to the extent of making you die of hospitality.
I gave a deep sigh and sank into my seat. But before I could put my headset on some one tapped me.
"Hi" she said and gave a warm smile.
" hi" I replied and smiled but at her.
"I'm Alexa."
"Jade. Nice meeting you"
" Nice meeting you to"
She seemed really nice and started talking without any pause. She started showing my pictures of her and friends she made in Ghana.
I felt my eyes getting heavier by the second. And the next thing I remember was drifting off to sleep.


I woke up from my peacful slumber to someone tapping my shoulder. I stirred awake and looked at the person almost glaring at her.
" We've arrived" Alexa said and gave me some water."And before you get off lemme give you my number" I nodded and gave her my phone to type in her digits and made a promise to call her once I'm all settled and well rested.

We got off and started walking towards the entrance of the airport to hail a cab. I waved her goodbye as she entered a private vehicle and drove off. I sat in the taxi and gave directions to my locations.. As we head of lemme just tell you a little about me..

My name is Jade Nana Hammond and I'm nineteen. I am 5'5 and I a wonderful shape really curvy
And I am Ghanaian and part American too. I had my drivers licence here when I was sixteen which is an illegal age for driving in Ghana but who cares most of my mates started driving when they were fifteen. Thats me, I guess.

I grabbed my baggage and headed towards the building. My stuff was alot so I planned to take my things up the building one at a time.
Once I settled in, I picked up my phone to skype my mom who was still in Ghana. I missed her already.

At the third ring she picked up. "Hello ma."
"have you settled in your apartment" she said.
"yes ma. I have"
"now call your dad and tell him you are in"I held to urge to roll my eyes when she told me to call him
"sweetie I know what he has done wasn't fair but its over now. Just call him , it would be nice if you did so hun"
"yes mom" I pouted and hung up after the goodbyes.

I woke early the next morning and called my dad. He was waiting for my call yesterday. He said he was sending me a car today for easy movent around the city. Now I am just sitting in front of the t.v bored to death. I picked up my phone and dialled Alexa's number. I don't know why but I just did. She picked up on the second ring.
"Hello. Good morning. "She greeted. She sounded like she just woke up.
"Hello. Its Jade speaking."I replied. I tore the phone from my ear when screamed.
"O m g. How you have u settled in? I was honestly waiting for your call." I smiled knowing she didn't forvet about me. I had a feeling she was going to be a good friend, a very good one as such." Yeah..I settled in. I was going to call you but I was tired. We spoke on the phone for another thirty minutes before hanging up. She told me about her family and her boyfriend Cole and their bestfriend Jace.


I hope you liked it, I know it was boring even for me.

Buh still comment and like


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