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I was with Alexa and Cole and this afternoon we were meeting Alexa's friend Jade. After a week and a half of her being not properly introduced to us, Alexa decided to bring her in. We all sat outside the sports complex, the parking lot to be exact. Alexa refused that we enter and make ourselves comfortable so we were all outside under the sun waiting for her to arrive. And it was starting to piss me off. One thing I hated was lateness. Either the message sent to her was wrong or she was just late, and either way I was going inside to wait.

I was walking towards the entrance when Alexa stopped me in my tracks with words I was waiting to hear. "She is here." I turned around again to view this angel. She wore a pair of black jeans with a print crop top. Showing off her toned tummy. Her hair was braided black with a hint of purple. Finishing it off with a sling bag and a pair of sneakers. She was heading towards us and her hips were swaying. Everything else turned slow motion and I didn't give a fuck if she took her time or was late, she was fucking worth it. I noticed people staring at the as she bypassed them and it sort of made me pissed--jealous yeah that's the word.

Why am I jealous in the first place she isn't even my girlfriend - -yet.
What the fuck im I even saying?

"Hey' she waved at us and pulled her shades down. The others greeted back but I stood there with my arms folded.
She looked hurt for a second but quickly disguised it with a smile.
I turned and entered the building, without waiting a second.

We sat in a booth
We ordered for our drinks and it was silent among the four of us. And it comfortable.
"So tell us about you." Cole said breaking the silence.
"I am Jade Nana Hammond."

Nana. I liked that name. And my memory serves me right, it was an African name.

"Im part Ghanaian and part American."she continued.

"So you are from Ghana. I have a friend in South Africa. "Cole said.
Wait was my bestfriend that dumb. South Africa was the way in south and Ghana was West.
I looked up at Jade and she looked puzzled. I am sure she is questioning if the boy is sane.

"Im nineteen and I transfered here from the University of Legon. I have lived in both Ghana and the U.S...."
Suddenly I wasn't listening to her anymore. I was staring at her full lips. They looked juicy. I wondered how they felt and tasted against mine.

Jace pull your self together or you will walk out of gere with a hard on.

"We've known eachother since highschool." I heard Alexa explain our relationship to Jade. She sat there attentively. Listening to every crap she was saying.
"I heard highschool there is real tough. Tell us all about it." Cole added.
" All highschools are the same everywhere babe."

"Well highschool there is pretty different. First off we do 8 subjects, maths,science ,social studies and english those are the compulsory ones. Then you choose other four electives you would want to do. The four you choose determines the course and class you would be in.
I did Literature, further maths, geography and economics."

What did they cope. I could never do maths and further maths and accompany it with economics. They were killing them.

"And are guys allowed to wear anything you want? "Cole asked.
"Hell fucking no. They give you uniforms, sports wear, chapel cloth, ceremonial attires , out dresses. name them. We never wore everyday attires. And your sports wear depends on your boarding house colour."

She stopped to take a sip on her drink. Every movement was amazing.

As she continued talking I unintentionally looked out the window.

I looked out the window and saw my beautiful girlfriend walking hand in hand with a guy I did not recognise. I immediately tensed.
I sort of really like her. I felt my chest tighten as I saw the guy kiss her cheek.

Cole noticed my tensed body and looked outside too.
"It could be her cousin." He said trying to calm me down.

"Babe"i heard my girlfriend say." My friend owns this place and said I can use it anytime I want. " I told her that because she was locked out of her house one day and I offered her this place. I didn't offer her my place because I couldn't keep my hands of her and she said she wasn't ready and I couldn't trust myself.

My hands balled into fist when I saw her fench kiss him on the lip.

Cousin I fucking foot.

I can't believe I almost fell for her.

I can't believe I almost sent her to my parents as my girlfriend

I did sleep around because I wasn't getting what I wanted. I needed sex once in a while.
She knew I slept around but she never got pissed.

"Hey Shelby." I hollered. Her face turned pale and almost white when she saw me.
"Don't call me again slut. And to the employees here, don't you fucking let her anywhere near this building do you hear me."

"Virgin my ass." I said I sat back down to calm myself down.
"Hey don't talk to the lady like that mehn. And who do you think you are to drive her out of here. You just sit here with your friends and you think you are boss." I ripped Cole from my side and stood up towering the guy and smiling." You don't even own a bicycle, talkless of a building.
She has no right to do as you say amd so do the employess of this place.....
Fucking ass swi-" I cut him short by pinching him in the face. He fell on the floor.

I think he passed out but who cares...

Sorry I ddnt mention Jace had a girl.
Stuff about Ghana there are true. I did all the subjects I mentioned above

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