Chapter Nine:

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  • Dedicated to Chibi_Canada, Hetalia_ChibiAmerica, BookBird1497, Yousmelllikefart

I don't own Hetalia! Because Hidekaz Himaruya does! *Cries* But yeah! Another chapter is up... Not that anyone's acually going to see this, because for some reason no one wants to click on my story... *Cries some more* Oh, well. I'll just have to hope that it gets more popular as I continue~!


          "It is complete, aru!" China exclaimed.

          "Yay!" the other countries cheered. The Allies and the Axis had informed everyone of their plan, and told them not to interfere. School at Gauken AU started in a week, and Oliver was supposed to bring Arthur up in an hour. America had managed to get everyone situated in their dorms, and now the only one empty was room 123, and even that was only half-empty. America sat in said room when the clock rung 8:00 am, laying on his bed boredly. His roomate didn't come for another hour!

         What would he do until then?

         He felt his phone buzz, and pulled it out. It was Oliver.

         "Hello?" he asked, trying to ignore the fear building in his stomach.

         "Amer- Alfred? Someone rammed my car, and I have to wait for the police to get here and sort things out. Can you come pick Arthur up?" he sounded ready to kill someone.

          "Sure, I'll come right away. I'll be there in a few." he hung up, hoping that Oliver didn't kill the poor soul that wrecked his car. He grabbed his keys and ran out of the dormetory, not stopping until he was in his car. He slid the keys into the ignition and pulled out of the driveway, grinning broadly. He was going to see his Iggy- and talk to him! After nearly a decade of waiting, he was going to be with England!

           He sped the entire way, by some miracle a cop didn't pull him over and give him a speeding ticket. When he got there, he saw three figures, and two totalled cars. He winced; those were unscavengable. He pulled up, and tried to get out of the car, only to have his door shut before it could fully open. Oliver pointed to he window. America rolled said window down.

         "Arthur is feeling emotional, today. I'm just warning you." then he walked off, and America's car's back seat was opened. Two lage suit-cases were put neatly in the floorboards, and then the door was shut. The passenger's seat was the next to open, revealing Arthur.

         He looked young, but not much younger than he normally looked. He was definitely a little taller, still not nearly as tall as Alfred, but taller nonetheless. He was wearing all black; black skinny jeans, a long sleeved shirt that had a large v-neck that was wide enough for America to see his collar-bone, and boots. He still had his bushy eyebrows, and a permanent frown on his face. His bright green eyes were narrowed, glaring daggers at anything and everything, including America.

       "Hi! I'm Alfred!" America and the other countries had decided to give evryone a human name, to demolish any suspicion piled against they calling each other by a country.

        "Hello, Alfred." Arthur replied curtly. He shut the car door and put his seat belt on. He looked out the window, scooting as close to the door as possible.

        America frowned. He wanted to run his hands through Arthur's hair and hug him, to prove to himself that, after nearly a decade of waiting, this wasn't a trick, and that England was really in the car with him, but Arthur seemed content to avoid him altogether. Oliver did say that Arthur was moody... Maybe he'd loosen up once he got to know him.

         "So," Alfred started, trying to make a conversation, "I hear that you're my roommate."

        Arthur cringed. He studied Alfred through the corner of his eye, seeming to debate on the way his life would end- silent, so he didn't go to jail, or bloody, so he could make his point across to other people? He started smirking. 'What's he thinking?' the USA wondered.

        Slightly unnerved, Alfred continued, "There are a lot of wierd people at Gauken, one from every country, I think, but I'll protect you, like the hero I a-"

          "Don't talk about heroes." Arthur cut him off, glare penetrating his soul.

          The loud american seemed to cower in disbelief. "Why not?" he whinned, "Heroes are awe-"

           "Shut up!"

           America did so, wondering why he was so touchy on the subject. Did something happen to him?


           When they got to Gauken AU, Alfred tried to carry Arthur's luggage to his room, but the brit had absolutely refused to let him; 'I'm a sixteen-year-old man! I can carry my own bloody luggage!' Arthur thought angrily as he snatched it from him.

           He followed America to their dorm room, number 123, on the way getting even angrier. Everyone they passed stared- openly, too! Haven't they ever seen a brit before? He was just about to tell them to 'bugger off' when America suddenly shouted, "We're here!", and unlocked a door.

             The room was a decent sized room, and Alfred's stuff was neat and orderly. Everything he owned was on the side of the room closest to the wall where the door was, and a bed, dresser, bookcase, lamp, and random world map lay untouched on the side of the room closest to the window overlooking a garden. Arthur forced himself not to smile- he liked windows. He set his stuff on the empty bed and turned to Alfred, somehow managing to fake a smile and sweet voice, "If you don't mind, I would like some privacy. Could you leave and come back in two hours?"

           Alfred didn't like that idea, but he knew that first impressions were ideal for making friends, so he obliged. "Sure, dude."

         Arthur scowled at being called 'dude', and watched as Alfred left. He waited a few moments after the door shut, then let out a sigh. 'Just keep your distance,' he told himself, 'And try to find someone sane in this school to be your temporary companion.' He told himself this, yet he had a sneaking suspicion that here wasn't a single person at Gauken that was mantally fit.


Another chapter up! Tell your friends about this if you like it! And force them to read it~ The circle will grow, dang it!


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