Chapter 24

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Dudes. I don't own Hetalia. Why would you even think that?

BY THE WAY! I don't know which one I've been telling you is 2p!America, but I may have been switching off, so I'd like to say, both Allen and Jackson are 2p!America. Sorry about that.


A black light engulfed them, startling them out of their conversation. Alex's voice cackled, and Alfred couldn't help but to snort. The black light fazed  little bit and there was a pause. "Did.. You just snort? At me?"

Alfred tried to contain his laughter, but failed. "U-um... Yeah, dude. You cackled. That is SO cliche. Like, seriously, man. I never knew Oliver was the stereotyped villain."

The light fazed again. "What is wrong with you?! I am not!"

Alfred raised his hands in the air and smirked. "Okay, whatever you say. You didn't have to get defensive."

Allen gave him a glare that should have shut him up, but didn't. Alex growled, "Why does Arthur love you? You're an annoying brat. My Alfie, however, is worthy of love. And I fully intend on getting him out of you, Allen."

Oliver's face paled. The thought of an Allen like Alfred was... Not appealing. "Britain... Loves me?"

Oh, crap. Britain hadn't told Alfred, yet, had he? Allen hit him over the head (weakly, of course). "What did you think? Oliver and I l-l... Liiiiiiii-...... Ke. Like. Each other. Why would that change for you two?"

Oliver sighed. While America normally had no trouble confessing and stuff, it had taken Allen several years PLUS an oppertunity to rape him before he finally admitted his feelings. Alfred pouted.

"How was I suposed to know that? For all I knew, it could have meant that Iggy hated me!" he whined.

"Oi! Bloody wankers, pay attention to me! I'm a part of this conversation, too!" Alex whined, his menacing voice not so menacing anymore. Allen suddenly furrowed his stupid eyebrows and looked around. They were in a room. It was just a black room, with no end or begining in sight. In fact, all they could see was each other. Alex, the house, the forest, they were all gone.

"Where are we?" he asked, "And where's Germany and Canada?"

The only reason he remembered the Canadian nation was because he remembered all too well what happened last time. He hadn't been able to walk for a week. And, personally, he blamed Alfred for him being so fucking weak. Seriously, he had inhuman strength while Allen barely had enough to pin someone down.

"What? There's mooooore?" the voice groaned. "Dang it! I promised I'd relax this week! Geez!"

He almost sounded... Like an annoyed teenager. And everyone noticed. In fact, Oliver had come up with a plan. He grinned, finally figuring out where they were. How had it taken him so long to figure it out? "Alex?"


"What- you haven't even heard me out!"

"I don't need to! You're just going to scold me about how I'm a horrible person and all that bla."

"No, I intend on keeping you distracted while in reality you're being tied up."

"What?!" he screeched. Almost instantly, everyone was back in reality, on the floor. They were gathered together and Canada was sitting next to them, fanning them with a large leaf.

"M-maple! Are you guys alrigh-"

"DUDE! How had you known we weren't in reality? Where were we?" America cut him off. Allen cringed, as if waiting for something to happen as he looked at Canada, who sighed and went to sit in an emo corner.

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