Chapter Twelve:

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I don't own Hetalia, and that's because Hidekaz Himaruya does! 

Sorry, I was in Mississippi for a week!


        It was the first day of school and Arthur Kirkland couldn't wait until America would show him around the entire bloody school! ( Author: Note the sarcasm, dudes. ) He had already tried changing his roommate, but the school was set on him having Alfred as a partner. He had somehow managed to ditch the loud boy, and was now trying to find his classroom. 'First period I have... Gym. Ugh..'

        He put the piece of folded paper in his pocket, not bothering to hide the scowl that seemed to come so naturally to his face. He wasn't very fond of gym, never had been. He just wasn't built for that stuff... He was always last at everything involving exorcise. But it wasn't like he could just play hooky, even if he wanted to- Oliver would never let him hear the end of it; he knew because he tried once. Arthur shuddered at the memory.


        The boy smirked, glad beyond belief that he was able to avoid adults once more. They'd ask why he wasn't at school, and he couldn't feign sickness because he was at the mall. He glanced at the time- how was it already 3:05? He had just gotten there! Notheless, he had already been able to steal several items; a pocket knife, a portable CD player, and multiple pirate movies that he could somehow laugh at and tell which parts were fake an which ones you would actually find if you were out at sea. He had to get going now, because if he wasn't home by his usual time, Oliver would get suspicious.

        He walked out of the mall, now not having to hide, and closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh scent of Autum air. He loved that smell, almost as much as he loved Winter air. He opened his eyes- and saw Oliver standing not even three feet away, looking pissed beyond all belief, glaring at him. He felt his heart stop- Oliver had caught him. Shit. 

        Strangely enough, Oliver didn't come over and slap him, or even come over at all. He pulled out his phone, called someone, said, "I found him at he mall. You can call off your search.", then hung up. After that he walked away, towards his car, leaving Arthur feeling like the guiltiest person on earth. Oliver had found out that he wasn't at school, and called the police. The police then started a search mission for him, probably thinking that he was kidnapped. Oliver went looking also, checking one of Arthur's favorite places, just in case he was only playing hooky. Which he was.

        He ran and caught up with Oliver, pulling on his sleeve and stopping him from moving. "Oliver? I'm sorry. I didn't want for you to worry... Are you okay?"

        Oliver was silent. Arthur, now thoroughly worried, moved in front of him. What he saw shocked him- Oliver looked sad. Sad and disapointed.

        ---- END FLASHBACK ----

        Arthur had remembered that look for the rest of his school life, and never played hooky again. He didn't ever want to see that face again; Oliver had adopted him, raised him, and helped him get through the hardest time of his life. When he came staggering home that night..... Arthur shook his head, discarding the memory from his thoughts.

         He looked up and saw that he had made it to gym. He cursed and went in.

        The gym was huge, like a football stadium inside. He stared, astonished, until someone shouted, "Iggy~! There you are! Gym hasn't started yet, so we have time to talk!"

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