So Basically I Got Triggered

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So I know there's a lot of controversy going on about "omg you shouldn't ship them they're friends they're not gay stop" and I disagree with that. To me, it's okay to ship whatever you like.

You ship Ryden? That's okay. What's not okay is telling Sarah that her smile when she's with Brendon looks fake and that she's only with him to cover the fact that Brendon's gay. Yes, he's bisexual, but he's in a happy marriage with Sarah. What's not okay is telling Ryan and Brendon that it's their fault that Panic! fell apart the first time, and it's not cool when you spam them with Ryden on social media. Yes, it might seem funny but they don't talk as it is and all these comments are not going to make them talk anytime soon.

You ship Brallon? That's okay. What's not okay is hating on Sarah for getting in the way. What's not okay is telling Dallon that he's just a rebound for Ryan. What's not okay is hating someone just because they ship Ryden and not Brallon.

You ship Frerard? That's okay. What's not okay is blaming Lyn-Z for the breakup of MCR. What's not okay is telling Gerard that his marriage with Lyn-Z was forced by their management to cover up the fact that Gerard and Frank were together. What's not okay is blaming Lyn-Z for getting pregnant and getting in the way of Frerard. What's not okay is spamming Frank and Gerard with Frerard, both are married men and have adorable children.

You ship Peterick? That's okay. What's not okay is attacking Patrick with the ship, as we all know he doesn't particularly like being asked Peterick questions. It's not okay to make Patrick and Pete feel uncomfortable with how close they are.

You ship Joshler? That's okay. What's not is going around saying that Tyler doesn't really love Jenna and that their marriage is just a cover up for Tyler and Josh's relationship. Yes, they are very close but that does not give you permission to literally assault them with accusations of their so called 'closeted sexuality'.

The way I see it, you can ship whatever you like as long as you're respectable about it. I ship all of the ships I listed above but I don't go around telling their wives and girlfriends that they're just a cover up. They're basically my moms so I can't hate them. But anyway sorry for the random rant chapter, I was talking to an old friend of mine and she kept saying that she didn't like Lyn-Z because she got in the way of Frerard and that if she hadn't gotten pregnant then MCR would've continued and I told her that in order for her to have gotten pregnant she needed sperm so obviously her and Gerard were having sex and she went on a full on out report about how she so obviously got pregnant by someone else because she doesn't really love Gerard and that Bandit is not his and that just really set me off.

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